popular! Killua x beautiful! kind! nerd! reader (requested by @Lu642anime )

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Well that's a long title. Let's pretend this school goes from kindergarten to grade 8, with two recesses and lunch recess. That's how my school is, so???

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~ third person POV ~

Almost everyone in school knew you. Everyone could agree that you were the ideal girl. Your beautiful, kind, and a nerd, or I guess you could call it smart. The littler kids in school always wanted to play with you, and you would accept with a smile.

One day in class, your teacher announced there was a new student joining. A calm looking kid with white fluffy hair walked in, hands in his pockets. A tint of pink appeared on your face upon taking in his features. You smiled to yourself, propping your cheek up on your palm.

"Hello... I'm killua" he said boredly but quietly. His eyes wandered the classroom until the teacher told him where to sit. (HAHA HAHA NOT BESIDE YOU THAT WOULD BE CLICHE)

"killua, you can sit there, behind (Y/N)".
(Ohoho look a me, switching things up for once, what a rebel) he said, pointing at the seat behind you. Killua nodded and made his way over to his new seat, as he walked some girls turned their heads to watch him.

When he got in his seat, the teacher said he was stepping out for a minute. You took this opportunity to talk to killua, but unfortunately, a small group of girls and boys had the same idea. So all you did was turn around in your seat to face them and listen.

*after class*

You quickly spun around in your seat, setting your hands on killuas desk. He raised an eyebrow. "What?"
You smiled at him.
"I'm assuming you don't know your way around? I could help you if you want?" You said. His eyes studied you for a moment. "I guess..."
"What class do you have now?"
He looked at his paper and made a disgusted face.
"Tch. Math"
You squealed before gently taking his wrist, Pulling him behind you out of the åss and down the hall.
"I have that class to! Let's go!".

*a month later*

"Killua~~~~!" You whined, rubbing your eye.
"What?" He said plainly.
"I'm tired...!" You complained, leaning back on your couch.
"I'm don't have to study! I know everything about science!"
He looked over his textbook at you from his hair across the table.
"Everyone knows your smart. but just study, even for five minutes". He said, going back to his textbook.

*five minutes later*

"AAAAHHHHH!  I GIVE UP!" Killua yelled, hurling his textbook across the room and slumping back down in his chair.
"Your the one who said we should study" you teased with a sly smirk, setting your book down.
"I never would've said that if I knew this was so hard" he retorted, crossing his arms and puffing out a cheek.

You took notice of his state and giggled.
"Your so adorable~~". You said before standing up, squeezing into the chair with him and holding your text book up. "I'll help you study~!"

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I hope you like It!

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