"Or so it seems~~~"

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~ third person POV ~

Running. That's all you could do right now. Now, before everyone thinks this takes a dramatic turn, it's just tag.

You ran through the forest with gon, away from killua. You were all playing tag and he was it. Kurapika ran off somewhere and leorio tripped and fell somewhere along the way. Probably yelling his lungs out and petting raccoons.

Killua was almost cought up to you two and You smiled and faced Gon, he looked at you and you both smirked at each other, nodded and stopped, then Imediatly crossed each other and went oposite ways, leaving killua there to think.

To bad, didn't take long for him to decide who to go after. He went left, the way you went. You looked behind you and saw killua chasing you. You smiled and ran faster. "catch me if you can!" You yelled . " Oh, I can!" Killua yelled and continued to chase you, flashing his oh so cute grin.

As you both smiled and ran, killua got no further and you got no closer. You looked behind you and saw that he stopped . Then he activated god speed, and in a second he tackled you and pinned you down. " aawww, no fair!" You whined and also blushed because of the close contact. And he was your crush, after all. Who wouldn't blush in this kind of situation?

" all fair in love and war " killua said proudly , while you looked confused.
" love? This is just a game if tag" you said and he looked down at you.

" or so it seems~~" he whispered into your ear and puffed out a whiff of hot breath making you blush and shiver.
" what do you me-" but you couldn't finish your sentence, for the cat - like boy had shouted " tag your it!" And ran off, leaving you on the ground.

You were a hot, blushing mess and got up, thinking about what he said before running in the direction he used god speed to escape in.

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Short chapter, right?? Tell me what you thought in the comments!
I love reading your guys comments :3

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