cards and bets

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~ third person POV ~

Cheat. You , gon ,killua, leorio and kurapika were playing the card game cheat. So far leorio was losing and gon was close second. They just didn't know how to lie or put on poker faces. Killua was winning with only five cards left and you were second with seven cards left. Meaning kurapika was third with ten cards left.

" I'm going to catch up to you, win this bet and then you will have to wear a dress! " You yelled pointing at killua .
" baaaaka! I'm going to win the bet and you will have to cosplay as ( insert anime character that wears very revealing clothes here )! You will be so embarrassed !" Killua yelled back with a grinning smirk and cats ears and tail but the ears and tail only lasted a second. You Imediatly blushed .
" no way am I going to dress up as (character you picked previously)!"

" if you two are done your bickering , we would like to continue the game"
Kurapika said sternly . " fine. It's my turn right?" You asked. " yes " kurapika replied. " alright.... Two fives " you said placing them down on the growing pile if cards in the middle. " cheat!" Leorio smirked . " nope" and with that leorio swore and took the pile of cards . Almost all the cards he had didn't fit in his hands. " three sixes " leorio said setting down his cards. " one seven" kurapika said. " cheat" killua said and kurapika took the pile. " one eight" killua said setting down his card. Four cards left. You have five. " etto. .... Three nines" gon said.

The game continued until killua had two cards and you had one card.
" tch" killua said and he examined the total amount of cards in each persons hand. " one two" you said bluntly as you set down your last card. Killua hesitated for a moment. the pile in the middle has at least half the deck .
" che-" he began until gon cut him off .
" I call cheat!" Gon yelled . You sighed and Rachel for the pile of cards. Killua smirked a victory smirk but when you stopped when all you did was flip over your card and it was, in fact, a two. He yelled , ran away so fast and all his cards flew up in the air. you chased him around. " come on pay up! You have to wear a dress ! I've got a perfect one for you! " You yelled as you chased killua to the third floor . Everyone else was in the basement, a total of three floors below you two including the basement.
You had a dark blue dress and white arm sleeves . It would match his hair .
Killua was about to jump out a Window until you grabbed his shirt and pulled him back. " ack !" He yelped as he fell on his back. You quickly sat on him, your knees at both his sides and he was blushing while you held up the dress. " baka! Get off me! This is totally innapropriate!" He yelled as he squirmed under you. You were blushing slightly but didn't care.
Besides, he was your crush. If you acted like you didn't care when really you did, it's fine. He put his hands on your front of your shoulders to get you to back off. " hey! I won the bet fair and square so you have to wear the dress killua !" You yelled . He sighed.
" fine. But in the future I will definitely win!" You got off him and handed him the dress . He walked into his room and came out a few minutes later with balled fists, raised shoulders and a massive blush. " ugh. I can't beleive I agreed to our bet..." he mumbled.

You clapped and grabbed his hand and twirled him. " You look so cute in the dress! Who knew that you had a girly enough figure to make a dress work!" You yelled and his mouth dropped .
" B-B-B-B-Baka! What's that supposed to mean!" He pouted with a red face.
" stop twirling me!" You stopped. Killua felt something warm on his cheek but it was quickly gone and you were running down the hallway with a camera .~ Did she just kiss me?~ killua stood there blushing and dumbfounded as he Held his cheek.


CAMERA? !?!??
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*wink wink* now reader chan has pictures of killua In a dress!! What a cutie!


me: smiles and runs away with
reader-chan to look at the pictures

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