Little somthing I wanted to try out

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If you like the layout of how I do this story, please tell me in the coments and I'll do more like this.

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(Y/N): " ne, gon, kurapika, leorio and killua! What do you want to do today?"
Lays on my back on the bed with my head hanging down so everything looks upside down

Leorio: " i don't know. ...... i need to study...." looks intensely at a book for med school

Gon: " let's play truth or dare?"

Killua : " mmmmkay ...." munches on chocolate balls

(Y/N): "okay.... how about you go first gon because you suggested it?" Gets a bit dizzy from being upside down for so long and falls off the bed, landing on my neck and my legs and feet are over my head in a crumpled mess. Of all the days to wear a skirt.

*everyone looks at you and your underwear is showing *

Gon: " aaahhhh! You okay (Y/N)?" Oblivious to everything

Leorio: gets hit by kurapika for staring at you. What a pervert.

Kurapika: " tch. Your way older than she is leorio" looks away but isn't fazed

Killua: is literally the only one blushing. Runs up to you and sits you up straight, your eyes swirls.
" b - baka! Let's just start the game!"

Gon: " okay. Leorio, truth or dare?"

*time skip to kurapika's turn*

Kurapika:" (Y/N) truth or dare.

(Y/N): damn! He's the only one here who knows I like killua! Knowing him....either one I choose will lead to me confessing...." dare"

Kurapika: smirks. " I dare you to kiss killua" victory smile.

You and killua: "eeeeeehhhhhhhh? !?!" Both blushing messes

Kurapika: "do it."

(Y/N): " fi - fine. ...." quickly pecks killuas cheek.

*time skip till kurapika's turn again*

Kurapika: "(Y/N) truth or dare?"

You: I've learned my lesson!" Truth!" Yells proudly but quickly realizes truth is worst than dare. Lesson definetly not learned.

Kurapika: smirks. " do you love killua?"

*awkward silence*

You: "ye - yes. ...."

Killua: blushing madly and looks to the side mumbling. " I like you to....." but kurapika heard it.

*time skip again*

Kurapika: "Killua truth or dare?"

Killua:" ....... truth"

Kurapika: " is it true you love (Y/N)?"

Killua: * nods*

Kurapika: shoves you and killua in bathroom to do your thing

Killua: blushes madly and scratches his head "sooooo ......"

You: leans in slowly and kisses him on the lips ~ he smells chocolate~ thinks

Killua: pulls you closer to him to deepen the kiss , you both part .
" I guess your All mine now~~~" purrs like a cat and nuzzles his head into your neck

You: smiles at his action " i guess so"

*you both walk out of the bathroom only to see gon, leorio and kurapika listening to the whole thing. You both punch their heads*

Killua: " that was your plan all along!!"

Gon, kurapika, leorio: "sure was!!"

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This is my first time making a real kiss scene! Please give me feedback in the comments because I'm not really good at kiss scenes.....playful scenes . Playful ones.

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