boob-window outfit

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~ third person POV ~

" so, illumi, you got it?" You whispered
And illumi nodded. He handed you a box and you smirked.

" do you remember the plan?" You asked and he nodded again. "Don't worry, I won't forget"

You grabbed the contents of the box and hid in illumis room in his closet.


"Kil, I need to talk to you about something. Follow me" illumi said when he cornered killua in the hall.
" huh? What for? " Killua asked as he followed illumi.
" stuff...." illumi said and lead killua to his room. He opened the door and killua walked in and sat in illumis bed.
" what did you want to talk about?" Killua asked.

"Nothing" illumi said as he held killua in place and grabbed his yo-yos from killua pockets and tied him up with them as you jumped out if the closet with the outfit in your hand and killua yelled. " what are you guys doing!"

You unfolded it and grinned widely.
Killua gasped . " no, please no " he pleaded as you and illumi forcefully dressed him in the outfit.

" why did you get illumis boob window outfit in my size! And why do you want me to wear this! It's embarrassing! "
Killua asked as he threw his arms in the air, blushing and illumi took a picture while you chuckled." Because it looks good on you and we were curious!" You said in a teasing manner and killua blushed furiously.

" ...... this is going on the Web everywhere" illumi said calmly as he looked at the pictures he took .

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Cliffhanger! Even though I'm not making a part two! Hahahhahhaha!

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