Damn duct tape

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~ third person POV ~

today was the day.

The day killua finally got his revenge for the dyed t-shirt prank you pulled on him.

But it was oh so funny. He just doesn't know comedy when he sees it.

So, yeah. Back to his revenge. You were casually walking down the hall, minding your own business and killua paid you a visit when he jumped out of nowhere and used god speed to wrap you up in duct tape.

It was over your chest, making your chest stick out a bit. Around your waist, trapping your arm at your side. Looped around your legs and then around your other arm, then around your hips. Then it wrapped around your shoulders and collarbone, then continued down your arms then around your waist, trapping both arms at your side.

Let's just say, you were very distressed.

This was around an hour ago.

Given the situation, you couldn't move.

He also decided to put a peice over your mouth, so you couldn't call for help.

Man, he thinks of every possible outcome.

Stumbling around, you tried not to fall on your face. That wouldn't be very fun, now would it?

Wobbling unsteadily down the hall, you made your way to killuas room. Head butting the door open he looked at you suprised. But come on, what else would you do to open the door?

He crawled across the floor backwards facing you and hit the wall. You wobbled up to him and the tape on your mouth fell off, probably from you breathing hot air on it.

You smirked and sat on killuas lap, as he blushed and squirmed. You just smiled a look of victory and you purred In his ear, leaving a huff of hot air, causing him to blush and shiver.
"Take the tape off, killua~~~"

He hesitated. "How do I do that?..." he asked unsteadily and you smirked.
"Well, your hands or your teeth, obviously. Or your could try and use hot feet, but I don't think that would work" you rolled your eyes, hoping he'd choose the second one. He smirked and decided to take advantage of the situation and used both. He pulled at the tape around your collar bone with his teeth while fiddling with the tape around your waist and legs with his hands.

You felt like you just succeeded in winning a million dollars. You wanted this moment to last, though you new the end was drawing nearer. You felt the last bit of tape get removed and moved your arms around.

You turned around on his lap, both legs at his sides and he blushed a bit.
You leaned in and kissed him on the lips, and he kissed back. You smirked in the kiss as you got up, killuas arms were bound behind his back with a discarded peice of duct tape you grabbed from the ground while kissing him.

He 'tch-ed' and frowned. You smiled, bent over and kissed his cheek.

" I love you killua. And I will get revenge for the duct tape prank you pulled~~~" he blushed immensely and you skipped out of the room, leaving killuas has taped behind his back and a pondering fear of what's comming next.

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