Papa! killua x mama! reader (requested by misa_trash)

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Quick note: they/them is a universal term when someone doesn't have a gender, the are gender fluid or you simply don't know. If I use this at all I am talking about (C/N) (child's name) because you can choose the gender.

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~third person POV ~

You walked into the kitchen to see (C/N) coloring with crayons and toys spewn about. You peeked over their shoulder and saw a picture of you, (C/N), and killua holding hands. You smiled to yourself when your husband walked in smiling and slightly unnoticeable dirt on his t-shirt.

You walked up to him and hugged him. "Daddy! Your home from your job!"
(C/N) beamed and ran up to killua and hugged him. Killua picked them up and held them with one arm. "How was your day daddy?" (C/N) asked and killua thought for a minute. "It was easy"

You walked into the kitchen and grabbed something. You smiled and walked back and held it out to him.

" chocrobo! " Killua yelled and kissed (C/N) on the forehead, put them down and grabbed the chocrobo and ran off. You clicked your tongue, smiled and faced (C/N). You crouched to be eye level with them. " mommy? What does daddy do for work?"

"He goes on jobs. Jobs for certain people. I can't tell you yet, or maybe ever. It's dangerous" you said and they frowned. " how dangerous?"

"Very dangerous"

"Then why does he do it?"

"To get money to support you two" killua said while leaning on the doorway.

You jumped and turned around.
" did you finish all your chocolate already? " Yoh asked putting your hands on your hips and smiling.

" yes I did " he Replied with a
smile-smirk . You rolled your eyes in a friendly way and turned to (C/N).

" here, go finish your lovely picture so I can make us lunch " they smiled and ran out of the kitchen. Killua hugged you from behind, rested his chin on your shoulder with closed eyes. You smiled and kissed his cheek. He let go and you walked into the kitchen.

*times skip*

You made spaghetti for lunch. You called killua and (C/N) to the table in the living room. Killua walked in with (C/N). You held in a laugh when you saw his face.

Covered. In. Marker.

He rolled his eyes with an open mouth smile and sat down.

"Nice monocle" you said and (C/N) laughed. Killua scoffed and went at the spaghetti. "I'll clean it off later" killua said and you dished up yourself and
(C/N). (C/N) started eating and you watched killua gobble down the food like he was 13 again.

When everyone was good and finished, killua went to the bathroom to wash the gunk of his face and your put your child to bed.

When you were finished, you walked into the bathroom and saw killua scrubbing his face aggressively.

You put a hand on his shoulder and he smiled at your reflection in the mirror. You grabbed the make-up remover and a cotton pad. You put the pad to the container, tipped it upside down momentarily and then flipped it right side up. You wiped at the makeup on killuas face with the pad.

He let you but blushed as his lips quivered into a feint smile. When it was all gone you washed his face with water then kissed him.
"Good as new" you said and he put a hand on your back, one on your head and pulled you into another deep kiss.
Just then, (C/N) walked in, rubbing their eye. They saw you two and stopped, then realization hit them and they ran to their room. "Don't do that in front if me!" They yelled and you two both laughed.

"Let's go to sleep" killua said and you both went to your room. Killua went to change unto shorts and a tank top. You changed into a nightgown. You finished and saw killua midway in taking if his shirt. You saw everything his abs had to offer and blushed. "Like what you see?" He teased and you got in bed.
"Yes" you replied and he chuckled and got in bed with you, putting an arm on your waist and holding you close.
"Good night, (Y/N). I love you.."
He said before falling asleep.
"I love you to, killua"

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Hope you liked it!

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