birthday cake

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"Mom's birthday is tomorrow and my gown still isn't done yet!" I shouted at Luke in frustration, "I don't wanna show up in a crappy ready made gown."

I sat down on the edge of my bed while Luke sat down beside me. "Pablo said it would be ready by tomorrow, don't stress yourself too much." He laid flat on his back, pulling me down, causing me to lay down beside him.

"I just want everything to be perfect since I organized the whole thing." I said, turning my body to face Luke as I cuddle him. "I'm still going to bake the perfect birthday cake."

"Everything will be fine, baby girl." Luke said, I find it very odd when he calls me baby girl because he says it with pure love unlike Ashton who says it with pure lust.

"I hope so." I mumbled, snuggling my face in the crook of his neck as I inhale his scent which made me drowsy and before I knew it, sleep overtook me.

An hour and thirty minutes later, I woke up with a faintly snoring Luke beside me. I grabbed my phone on my bed side table and took a quick shot of him, tweeted it and posted it on instagram cause damn he's such a fine piece of art.

I didn't have to worry about Ashton right now since he went to some death anniversary or something. He said her name was Jean or Gina or Jane.

Luke and I have been going strong now and I swear to God I have been completely head over heels for this boy. I've broke the news about me and Luke to Ashton and believe me when I say he didn't take it lightly.

He got mad and went wild in his room and him and I got into a big fight but we had make up sex and he was hoping to change my mind about Luke after it but I stood tall with my decision which made him mad again and said he needed a short vacation and come back three days before mom's birthday.

And he came back yesterday, locked himself in his room the entire day and the only time I got to see him was dinner time. Today, he drove off early to a death anniversary or some shit so basically I do not have to worry about him.

"Babe." Luke softly mumbled, "Lay down with me." He said, cracking a sly sleepy smile.

"As much as I want to, I still have a birthday cake to work on." I smiled at him, kissing his cheek as I slowly exited my room.

I checked my phone and it was 10 in the morning. Mom went out with my aunt, Matilda, for some pampering for tomorrow.

Unlocking my phone, I connected it with my speakers and blasted The 1975's new album. This Must Be My Dream and A Change of Heart are my total faves right now, by the way.

I made my way to the kitchen where my needed ingredients are all laid out on the counter table. My plan is to bake a seven tier red velvet cake with delicious icing topped with edible pearls.

To be honest, I didn't sort all this baking out. I had no idea what I'm about to do so I got my laptop and went to youtube to watch baking tutorials and hope that my seven tier red velvet cake would come out perfectly.


After a hundred tries of not burning the cake and baking it just right, I failed. Luke finally woke up and found me frustratingly sat on the floor eating a peanut butter sandwich.

"How's my lovely baker doing?" He asked, sitting down beside me. "Oh look, you're covered with flour." He chuckled and I pouted. "So adorable." He reached for my cheek and squished it and planted a quick kiss on my nose.

"I wanted it to be perfect." I mumbled as I laid my head on his shoulder. "I'm so tired, babe."

"We could always call the bake shop." Luke shrugged, grabbing his phone from his back pocket. "What cake would you want?"

"I was planning a seven tier red velvet cake with creamy icing topped with edible pearls." I described.

"Okay, princess. Leave it to me." Luke said, slowly standing up. "I'll be back in a bit."

I laid down on the floor, not caring whether there are flour or powdered sugar or some shit cause I'm that tired and sleepy.

Luke came back five minutes later, "They said they're about to rush it for tomorrow. Don't worry." he sat down on the floor, quietly observing me. "Hey, angel." he softly said.

I didn't respond cause I was too tired to speak or even open my eyes. "Let's get you upstairs shall we?" I heard him mumble as he carried me bridal style.

As we got into my room, he slowly placed me down on my bed as I snuggled on my pillow. Luke made his way to the bathroom and came back with a face towel. "Let's get this princess all cleaned up." He gently wipes my body with the soft towel, removing the flour I accidentally spilled all over myself awhile ago.

I opened my eyes, not fully though, just enough to take a peek on this angel right in front of me.

What on earth did I do to deserve this kid?

The fact that I treated him like shit and yet he still does this things for me makes my heart go all mushy and strange. He gives me the love that I felt like I never deserve to have.

But I have this feeling in my gut that I would be hurting him sooner or later. I'm not the girl he deserves yet he makes me want to be that girl. He makes me want to love and take care of myself yet I know that I'm not that type of girl.

This boy is confusing me. He makes me want to turn all the tables and be a righteous person which I'm not. I've done tons of crazy things that aren't that easy to forgive. I am not the type of girl he deserves to be with but little by little in his unconscious ways he's changing me.

Maybe, just maybe, I just had a change of heart.


yiKes I haven't updated since forever but heyyyy i'm back.

I was abt to write smut but i'm in the mood for a mushy luke chapter cus we all need a mushy sweet luke in our life AM I RIGHT?

I know, I know Anastasia's one bipolar bitch yep. She's just going through a teenage hormonal phase dontcha worry now.


ily all bye
-hannah :-)

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