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"Why are you preparing Ashton for something to eat?" Luke asked, pouring himself a glass of orange juice. "He made it clear that he was hungry for you."

I huffed, placing the last two pieces of the banana I cut in the cereal I was preparing for Ashton. "Babe, he was kidding."

Luke rolled his eyes. And I swear even though he rolls his eyes at me and gives me an attitude, he still looks so attractive. "I'm pretty sure he wasn't."

"Babe." I said sternly. He placed his glass down on the center table and I took his hands and held it gently. "You know I love you."

"I know that, baby." Luke said, looking down at our now intertwined hands. He looks so frustrated and scared. "Something just don't feel right." He looked up at me with his baby blue eyes. And it was breathtaking, may I add.

I give him a reassuring smile, "I'm all yours." I said.

Luke lightly nodded. "Alright, you got me." He smiled as he places his hand under my chin pulling my face closer to his.

God, thank you for this wonderful human being.

"You're mine." He whispered. Luke crashes his lips on mine as they move in sync. In that moment, I swear it wasn't lust. I knew it, I felt it. I felt love.

In that moment, I swear that I was to love Luke with every piece of my fucked up heart. I changed, I know I did.

Every thing that Ashton and I did was now in the past, it's now a history. And they history repeats itself. But I won't let it happen, I won't let it repeat itself.

Especially if it means that it would bound to break Luke's heart.

"That felt warm." Luke said, pulling away with a smile on his lips. "I love you."

Seeing him smile made me smile as well. Butterflies bursted out in my stomach. "I love you." I said and once again connected our lips together.

Luke carried me on top of the center table, parted my legs as he squeezed himself in between. Fire ignited inside of me and I wanted to feel him so bad. My hands travelled from his hair down to his crotch as I started to feel him.

"Mhm, baby." Luke moaned which was like music to my ears.  I unzipped his pants and was about to get down on the floor when he suddenly stopped me. "No, baby."

With a puzzled look on my face, I let go of his pants and sat back up on the center table. Luke had a smug look on his face as he started caressing my inner thigh.

Thank God I wore a skirt.

He got down on both of his knees. My heart started pounding fast, I wanted him so bad. He kisses my inner thigh, and kisses me down there with my panties on. "Aw baby, stop teasing." I pouted but I didn't mind.

"The cereal's getting soggy." Luke told me, pointing at the cereal. "Go bring it up now."

I nodded and placed the bowl of cereal and the glass of orange juice on the tray. "I'll be right back, stay right there. You still owe me." I said to Luke who was smirking.

Though, I was about to knock on his door when I couldn't help but eavesdrop. I press my ear on the door, careful not to make a sound as I place the tray down on the floor.

"Come on, Ash. I can see bruises on your neck." It wasn't clear and the voice was a bit muffled but I'm pretty sure it was Michael, "Natasha did too, she just didn't say a word."

Bruises on Ashton's neck? How could that happen?

Last night, he went home about 2 o'clock in the morning. He didn't see me though, I was in the kitchen. But I had a clear view of him. He went up the staircase recklessly so I thought he was drunk.

There were red stains on his white shirt which I assumed was wine. And purple marks on his neck which I assumed were hickies from Natasha or some other chick.

"I- ugh." I hear Ashton stutter.

"Ash, It's me." Michael said assuringly to his best mate, "I'm here for you, bud."

Why wouldn't Ashton tell him? Did he do something really bad? Ashton wouldn't do bad things, in bed maybe, but to other people? No way. He is too good of a person to hurt even a single fly.

For some reason, my heart started pounding wildly. I was feeling nervous and anxious at the same time, eager to found out what Ashton just had done.

"I killed Damian." I heard Ashton finally say.

My had flew to my mouth, preventing to let out a sound. I did not believe what I just heard. Ashton confessed. He confessed about killing someone. Someone named Damian.

So that means...the red stains were blood and the purple marks were bruises.

No way. Ashton's just kidding, I know it. He can't, he won't and never will do something so grave and so awful. There must be some reason he's done it. I know he was hiding something.

But then it hit me.

"Holy shit, my step-brother's a murderer."


Double update because i know i'm not to be updating anytime soon because our internet suckssss

hope y'all enjoy 🎉

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