mixed signals

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"Damian ain't dead, Bro" Calum simply said, munching on the jalapeño cheetos he had been nagging me to buy him.

Calum and I are casually lounging about in the Hastings' living room while binge watching Friends. Michael was supposed to be here for like half an hour ago.

He never was really punctual.

"I shot him straight to his heart, dude. I swear" I confirmed, my heart pounding.

Half of me wanted him alive yet half of me wanted him dead.

"You shot him critically near his heart, not through it" He corrected me, pointing his index finger full of cheese powder at me.

I sighed in disappointment and relief as well. "That's nice, I guess" I shrugged. "Why isn't he out to get me though?"

"Who knows what runs in that psycho's mind?" Calum countered. "Just always be careful, okay?"

I nodded and I have to admit I am pretty nervous. God knows when Damian's 'bout to pop up and shoot me straight through my skull.

That guy has no heart at all.

"Honey, I'm home!" Michael yelled, forcefully closing the door behind him making a loud noise.

"Living room!" I yelled as he came bolting in the living room seconds after. "Damian's alive"

Michael's smile turned into a frown. "That sucks"

I stiffened a laugh. "It does"

"You asshats, just be glad Ashton isn't a murderer" Calum rolled his eyes as Michael plopped on the sofa, sitting beside Calum. "They might be out to get the three of us, even though it was all Ashton's doings"

"Still, I kinda hoped he died" Michael shrugged causing Calum to give him a firm hit on his shoulder. "Ow!"

"Shut up, and watch" I chuckled.

After five more episodes, Anastasia came bolting in the living room. "Ash, I need Michael's nu- Oh, Hey"

Michael smiled and waved at Anastasia while Calum awkwardly nodded. "Hi, Annie"

"Yeah, Hi Ash" She spoke up.

The room was filled with awkward silence and so I decided to break it by introducing Calum. "Hey, this is Calum" I said, motioning towards my dark haired friend. "Calum, that's Anastasia"

"Nice to finally meet you" Calum said as the awkwardness finally vanished.

"Who knew my step-brother's got some hot friends?" Anastasia joked. "I am blessed!"

"You're cute" Calum giggled. He giggled.

Michael cleared his throat. "We only met once and now you're asking for my number?" He said proudly, with a smug look on his face.

"Don't get too cocky now" Anastasia chuckled. "I just need to tell you something. Kitchen, now please" Anastasia commanded before marching out of the living room and towards the kitchen.

"Didn't know you two were that close" I admitted.

"Me neither" Michael said, a surprised look still plastered on his face. "Well, I better go talk to her, I guess?" He stood up and followed Anastasia's foot steps leaving me and Calum in the living room.

He looked at me with a weird expression on his face. "Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked, weirded out.

"Like what?" He asked innocently.

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