Chapter 1

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"No...she'll come back...I know she will, she loves me."

A few days passed after he said that.

He always believed that you'd come back, no matter the time.

The time turned into a few weeks.

A few weeks turned into a month.

A month turned into 3 months.

And now it's been 9 months since he last saw you.

One day, he decided he wasn't gonna wait anymore. He missed you, he was worried.

"I'm gonna go look for her." Kion said, confidently. "9" Bunga replied lazily. Kion huffed and said goodbye. 

As Kion walked through the Pridelands towards the east, he had a strange sense of happiness welling deep within him. He was going to see you again! After 9 agonizing months of not seeing you. He's changed, not much but he's become a little older. He was sure you've changed to and he hoped you had met your parents. He couldn't wait to see you, he couldn't wait for you to come back to the Pride Lands after 9 months. 

A cheeky grin crept up to his face as he saw a River branching out. He assumed that you would be at the heart of the river, where the valleys and water was fresh. Walking a bit further, he saw a few cubs playing by a cherry blossom tree. His grin got wider, he was here! 

"Oi, oi quit it." He heard soft giggles. Instantly his heart shot like a rocket, he'd know that laugh anywhere! He looked over and saw a few very young cubs jumping over the female, nibbling at her ankles, at her ears, while one cuddled at her side and was sleeping soundly.

"Sh...come on guys, Akira will wake up." You giggled again. One let out a tried squeal and you laughed gently, "Alright,come on you two, nap time." You said, picking up the sleeping cub and walking away.

A light blush crept up on Kion's cheeks, he hadn't known that you were so good with kids. He liked the motherly side you showed towards them, just imagine how you would act with your own- His face turned red as soon as the thought crossed his mind. 

He followed you, waiting till you were alone, the time you were taking was killing him. These kids just wouldn't leave you alone! He bit at his own fur in irritation. 

Finally! They finally went to sleep! Kion slowly crept out from his hiding spot.



Phew! The first chapter of the sequel on the one month anniversary of the story!! Hope you enjoy!!

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