Chapter 6

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Kion walked away from your home, jealousy and anger burning within him.

He just felt like running back there and ripping Kieth to shreds, but he wouldn't he knew that was wrong, but still the thought of you being with him.

"That's it Kion, loathe Kieth" A voice whispered, Kion looked around but he found no one.

Thinking he's just tired, he bends over in front of a pond to take a sip. When a rough silhouette appeared, Kion jumped and took a step back.

As the water ripples got gentle, Kion could slowly see the figure in the water.

Green eyes stared into his soul, at a slow pace an onyx mane faded in.

Kion assumptions were confirmed once he saw the scar on his left eye. He glared at his Great Uncle.

"Oh, nephew! Don't be so upset." Scar chuckled, "I can't hurt you, I'm dead!" Kion took a step closer.

"What are you doing here?" Kion asked, confidence in his voice, "Kion, like when my brother is there to give you guidance, I am here too."

"You don't want to guide me, you did terrible things to your family!" "Oh forgive me, I was surrounded by idiots, but now I'm going to give you advice and if you don't like it, then you may ignore it." Scar stated.

"So, what are your thoughts?" "Kion, I know how you feel, I was in love once to, with an orphaned lioness, part of our Pride actually, we clicked well, but the Pride warned her not to mess with me,what can I say, I was a bad boy!"

"Yeah no kiddin'" Kion murmured, "My boy, your going to have to speak louder if you expect it to reach to the underworld silly." "What happened then?"

"Well, I was heart broken, if I had a heart, anyway, one day she came to me and apologized to me, saying that she was lonely without me."

"So you think (Y/N) will come back if  I just wait?" "Oh I'm not saying that at all! Kion, what's the difference between both of our stories? (Y/N) has a family that will help her get over this, but Zira didn't and thus she got lonely."

"So she's not coming back ever?" "I'm afraid not, no." 

"I-I have a family too, th-they'll help me get over it." "Oh my naive nephew, do you really think that they'll understand? Of course not!" Scar answered his own question and Kion nodded.

Scar's words started to contaminate Kion's thoughts, "What do I do?" 

"Surround yourself with luxuries and accomplishments. For instance, Kiara's luxuries." 

"What luxuries does Kiara have?" 

"Dear nephew, of course it would be her future position in the monarch, take away that and you'll have everything you'll ever need!"

Kion gave a swift nod and released a cry of revenge, "The Pride Lands are mine!"

Ohhoo! Scar is in here!!! Surprise surprise right?!

Anyway please comment and vote!!

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