Chapter 9

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Your back hit the wall of the cave as you cowered in front of the intimidating figure as he stared you down. You gulped hard and urged yourself to keep going.

"Kion come on, this isn't you, snap out of it." You coaxed as you stared at the figure, glaring at you.

"You don't know what I've become." He said, so lowly, it only came out as a growl, showing that he was holding back.

"Kion stop this. I know you would never want to hurt anyone."

"You don't know me! You never knew me!" He roared as you backed away from him, going further into the cave.

He followed slowly, teeth baring as he did, "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you!" He yelled, raising his paw high.

You flinched but stood in a defense position, "Because you love me Kion! I don't care what you say! I know you do!" You yelled back at him.

He inched closer and was about to pounce, when you did it first, pinning him down as you growled.

You raised your paw, but slowly lowered it. You couldn't hit him. Not now. Not ever.

He smirked as he got you off him, "Poor (Y/N), remember when you used to threaten me? Saying that you'd hurt me if I interrupted you while hunting, what happened to that, huh? I'm your prey. Now go ahead and pounce." He hissed, words rolling of his tongue like venom.

You stayed silent. What could you say?

"This is what happens when you mess with me." He stated, scowling as you sniffled.

This was not Kion. This was some crazy monster, that just pretended to be Kion. This couldn't be him.

You pulled away as he came closer, getting uncomfortably close to the edge of the entrance of the cave.

"(Y/N) come closer." He snarled as he stepped forward.

Your breaths turned into soft pant as he came over.

"Kion stop-"

"You never cared about me. All you cared about was yourself."

"Kion please-" 

"You never even bothered. This was always about you."

"Kion I l-"

"Love me? No, no you're not capable of love. That's one thing I learned the hard way. You're so selfish and heartless. You could never love me."

He came dangerously close. "Kion, please-"

"You know what's worse, (Y/N)?" He whispered, you were so frightened, you couldn't even answer him.

"After all that you put me through. I still loved you." You sniffled again and he rolled his eyes, pulling away from your figure.

You watched his back recede and a wave of relief washed over you. Until he turned back, scary look in his eye as he took in a puff of air and roared. Loud and hard.

The great kings of the past roared with him. Though it sounded like resentful moans.

Your eyes widened and you let out a shriek as you body was hurled off the cave, into the trees and onto solid ground.

The last thing you remember was a sharp pain in your back and everything went black.


Kion cackled as he saw your figure being thrown off Pride Rock with the power of his roar.

"There, now we're even." He smiled painfully at the edge of Pride Rock as the sentence clawed at his brain.

"There, now we're even."  What was there to think about? He just got revenge! He should feel ecstatic! But why did it feel like he was being stabbed in the chest?

He wanted nothing more than for you to go. But now that you were actually gone. He wanted nothing more than to have you back here, in his embrace.

"Uh, Kion? You can let go now."  He shook his head. Maybe the last time seeing you for good was just contaminating his thoughts. Saying goodbye is never easy. Which is probably why you never said it to him when you left.

If you did, you would probably cry alot, and then hiccup uncontrollably. He still had the sound of your hiccup at the back of his head. "Hic-!"

Suddenly, the images of your probably dead body flashed through his head. He knew you were hurt a lot worse, but he couldn't imagine it.

If things weren't like this, he'd ask you who did that. His character would change. You'd probably be afraid, but he was just trying to protect you and you knew that.

"I'll only ask you one final time, Who did this to you?"  His heart clenched as he thought of you whispering out his own name as your torturer.

Kion's brows furrowed. Why were you such a big deal to him. He couldn't remember the reason.

"You were the first I ever loved!"  Voice started to echo around the cave as he grew light headed.

He would go over and check how you were but he knew that none of this was real. If you were actually hurt then your family would help you. Nice people. Ayane. Zoya. Kellan. Dahlia. Zane. There was one more, but his name seemed vague to him.

But they'll always help you. Family was always the key. 

The word 'key' sent a jolt to his brain. Key.......Keee......Keeeeeeeeeith.........


He finally remembered who he was.

Now if Keith was down there and helping you, Kion would probably growl and lash out at him.

"Get your paws off her!"   Why would he yell that? Keith was just trying to help. But he couldn't help but hate him for doing that. He was jealous. He'd admit it. To no one but himself.

The phrase he would yell seemed so familiar, yet so unknown. Where had he heard that?

All he remembers coming after that phrase was a scream. Your scream to be exact.

He started to get dizzy as the echoes of your screams stopped him from closing his eyes.

He wanted you back. "You were too late Kion!"  He told himself, but the voice came out as someone else's. You were already dead.

He suddenly got angry at your killer, but he had no one to blame but himself.

"You'll pay for that............................hyena!"  

The words of his own play seemed to roll off his tongue even though he didn't mean any of it.

His mind was going white. Spots started to appear in his vision.

He scrambled to his feet but fell down.

Just as Kion heard the thump of his landing, the realization hit him. You were dead. Tears sprng to his eyes. You were dead. The words clawed at his ears. You were dead. His stomach pit-fell. You were dead. His world seem to spin. You were dead.  

  "Stop it! STOP IT!" He yelled as his voice echoed through the cave. His ears felt like they were bleeding as his pawed them down, in attempt to stop the voices, but he could only hear them more clearly.

You have to come back.

His world started to fade as his body made contact with the ground.

You need to come back. And you will. 

"She'll come back...I know she will, she loves me."  

Everything was black.

Um....if you didn't understand that chapter then you should probably go through the first book.

<3 Luv ya guys!!!

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