Chapter 10

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You groaned as your eyes fluttered open. You body ached and breathing caused so much pain to you.

You wished you could just stop and go back to sleep but faint callings of you name forced you awake.

"(Y/N)!What happened?!" You squinted and recognized it as Ono.

Memories before your fall flowed into your mind and tears sprang to your eyes, "He used the roar on me. I-I can't believe it." 

"(Y/N)....." Ono flapped his wings and then sighed deeply, "I'll take you to our hide out." 

You narrowed your eyes, "Hide out? Why didn't you mention this before?"

Ono squawked awkwardly and flew ahead, not too high, in case Kion spotted him, "Because everyone in the hide out has been wounded, we wouldn't have been much help."

You frowned, was this really what Kion had done to a place he called his home, a place he called your home?

Kion had thought of a life here, a future here, a future with you. You suddenly felt guilty. All Kion was trying to do was hold onto the love he had for you but you just pushed him away.

You couldn't imagine what he was going through, he held on to faith, faith that your love would be strong no matter the distance or time.

You hated to admit but your Pride was pretty boring compared to Kion's family. You constantly felt sick to your stomach there. Why did you? Every time you woke in the unfamiliar cave, your heart ached with a feeling you couldn't put your finger on.

I ached in the weirdest way and even if there were people who completed you, it didn't quite feel right.

Your frown deepened, what was the feeling you had when you were back with you parents, now that you were in the Pride Lands your heart ached less but The Pride Lands had been wrecked, you felt responsible.

You felt upset, your home was destroyed.

Realization dawned like the sunrise. Your eyes widened. Your mouth fell agape. You were homesick! You missed the Pride Lands! It was your home!

You let the smallest of smiles creep onto your face but it fell quickly. Why couldn't you have realized it earlier?

"(Y/N)! In here!" You heard and your head shot up, expecting to find Ono but found the grey skies empty.

"(Y/N)!" A soft voice hissed. "Ono?" You called, "Quiet!" He hissed louder.

You spotted his tangerine beak peeking through a small crack behind Pride Rock. You turned your head toward your right, trying hard to see the front of Pride Rock but no avail. 

You were pretty sure that this crack was leading to the head quarters of the Lion Guard and was about to question Ono's sanity. Having a hideout here would only make it that much easier for Kion to find and kill all of you.

You opened your mouth to speak but was silenced by Ono, glaring daggers at you. You frowned and followed his, trying hard to push through the rough surface rubbing on your back.

As you pulled out of the thick wall with much difficulty, you opened your mouth to speak but found the cave empty.

Your brows furrowed, where had Ono run off to?

Your head whipped around trying to detect any sighting of the bird. A small patch of color caught your eye and you moved towards it.

You gasped, seeing the vibrant colors on the surface of the stone walls, this was where Rafiki painted the past of the Pride Lands. 

As you moved from left to right, you found all kinds of stories, when Scar had killed Mufasa, when Simba came back, when he had his two children and when he told Kion he would be part of the Lion Guard.

Your eyes skimmed over pictures blindly, trying to find the most recent painting.  

You frowned, the paintings just stopped abruptly after the portrait of you spending your night with Kion, the night you left.

The past was painted beautifully, highlighting Kion's mark on his fore arm and your eyes twinkled in the moonlight as the both of you just laid in each others embraces and relaxed, the half moon, ending exactly where a wall cut it off, giving you a bright and complete view of the Pride Lands. The wall seemed to giving the right of Rafiki's painting a straight border, something Rafiki never did intentionally.

You frowned. Then why wasn't there any paint on the adjacent wall?

You examined the picture and turned to the right, a wall there to stop you from going further.

Growling, you pounced towards the wall. You remembered clearly. The night you left was a full moon

 Your body leaped through the stone wall like it was just an illusion and you found yourself on the other side of it, the other half of the moon glowing bright, illuminating the whole place.

Ono stretched his legs on a decayed branch, "Took you long enough."

You scowled, "One more squawk and I eat you."

You tore your gaze from the irksome bird and focused it on the bodies surrounding you.

You squinted, trying to make out the animals you were facing. You frowned, a couple were limping, a few too injured to even get up.

From what you could make out, there were animals of all species, alligators, hippopotamuses, rhinos, flamingos and many more.

But of course, there were lions, the whole Pride in fact.

You gasped as a lion limped towards you, a lioness trailing, to to assist him.

"(Y/N)" He croaked. Your eyes misted for a moment, "Simba."


Wow, it's been a while right? *nervous laugh* sorry guys, I had some writers block and it certainly didn't help when i started a chapter and then my tablet died, deleting the chapter.

But it did help me regroup, I wrote a better chapter and was able to think of a lot of riddles to put in not only thins story but a few others too.

I expect to finish this story this year so you can be expecting a lot of updates from now on.

Um, thank you all for supporting me, the eagerness in your comments always made me itching to write a new chapter.

I will try and write as fast as I can be I am just trying to make the story a little more juicy for you.

I hoped you all enjoyed this chapter.

Sleep well, good health and good night.

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