Chapter 16

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The wedding was, to say the least, awkward. Kion protested the entire time but Rafiki went along with it and ended up whacking him with his stick only twice.

"(Y/N)! What the heck are you doing?!" Kion hissed as you left the cave.

"Just trust me." You hissed back and walked out. Taking one last glance at Kion, you walked beside Rafiki, down the slope of Pride Rock.

"Now what?" You whispered and the baboon shrugged, "We will not know if it worked until morning."

"Why not now? It happened for Simba in the middle of the night."

"Because he was the king."

"Who comes up with these rules?"

Rafiki sighed, as you paced around the cave. Your stomach rumbled but you ignored it and kept pacing.

"You did not eat?"

Ignoring him, you paced faster, "If Simba could do it then, then why not now?"

"(Y/N), since Scar's reappearance it had been decreed by The Kings of the Past that no existing member of the royal family can call a past king. That is why Simba cannot do this task, because at that time, you weren't part of the royal family. It was Mufasa's way of ensuring that if all else fails, his grandson would be saved."

You sighed and nodded, "Okay"

"You should probably eat something. It's a long day tomorrow." Rafiki advised, seeing you weakly pace up and down.

You shook your head stubbornly, "How can I eat? Kion's execution is tomorrow and we aren't even sure that we can save him." You chewed on your fur, "I don't think I'd be able to live if he wasn't here."

Rafiki looked worriedly over your figure, "You have not eaten much lately. You will not have enough strength for tomorrow."

"I can't stomach anything." You murmured, still pacing.

"Kion would not have been happy seeing you so frail. He was always proud that you were so strong."

You stopped for a second in your place to listen to Rafiki, "He would want you to eat properly, even if he is not around to say so himself."

"I just—can't." You stuttered.

"You need the energy for tomorrow, please, at least eat something."

Your fatigue suddenly got much harder to deal with and you trudged out the cave towards the watering hole. Leaning down to lap a bit of water, you sighed at the cold water running down your throat.

You laid down, staring up at the moon glistening against the night sky.

'Why did I have to leave that night?' You thought, drowning in self-hate, 'If I knew what was coming, I never would have left.'

Slowly, your fatigue caught up with you. Your eyelids got heavy, your muscles ached and your mind suddenly got hazy.

'I'll see you tomorrow, Kion. Be strong for me.'

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