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Namimori is a small town, located far from the city. I arrived here not long ago and am currently walking towards the address Bermuda gave me inside the documents. From the airport, I decided to walk instead of taking a cab. I need to get used to this lively environment after all.

Probably wasn't such a good idea as I was.. 'No, I'm definitely not lost'. I look around, people walk to and fro, doing their morning activity.

'Shopping district..? I read the banner inwardly. 'Was it the place where people buy stuff?' I never step outside the Vindice HQ ever since I was taken in by them, always stayed in an eerie dark places, but I don't mind 'Its rather enjoyable..'

I look towards the sky, 'So bright..' Even with my long bangs, my eyes are blinded by it. 'This will be hard to get adapted too..'

I look back towards the paper, frowns on my face as I try to locate where it is. "Are you alright?" A voice disturb my thoughts, shifting my attention towards a short haired brunette woman, who seems to be out to shop for groceries.

I blinked in response, confused as to why the woman deliberately take her time to stop for a stranger. "Um.." I showed her the paper, "Do you know where its located at..?" I look down, afraid that I might do something wrong. 'I got only 1 day to prepared myself, I came unprepared to a foreign land'

"Oh!" The woman smiles, reading the address, "Its near my place, just a few blocks away." She handed the paper back to me, "Tell you what, I'm done with my shopping and I'm going to go back home now. Why don't you come along, it'll be easier to point where the place at." The woman smiles happily.

My face kept indifferent but inside I'm debating. 'She seems nice and..' I thought to myself as I sees her smiling innocently. I nodded. "Great!" She exclaims, leading the way. I followed her from behind.

"Um.. Can I help you with that?" I pointed to the bags she carries, 'its seems heavy for a fragile woman like her..' The woman smiles in return and handed me a bag,

"What's your name, sweetie?" She asked happily,

"Tsunayoshi.." I replied,

"I'm Sawada Nana, Nice to meet you Tsuna-chan~"


Arriving to what it seems like her house, I handed the grocery bag to her and she smiles, "Thank you for your help, Tsuna-chan." I nodded. She pointed towards a black roof house, a few blocks away. "The structure is very unique, that's why I recognized it easily~" She added, opening the door, "Why don't you come in for some tea, Tsuna-chan?"

I shook my head, "Thank you for the offer, madam but I'm afraid I can't." I bowed a little, as an apology. Blessed Big Pino for drilling manners and etiquette back when I was a child. The lady blushed a little, 'Did I do something wrong..?' I tilted my head to the side,

"Tsuna-chan are you perhaps.. Not a Japanese?" Eyes glittered in.. excitement? I nodded uncertainly,

"I'm from.. Italy.." She squealed as she grabs my hand,

"Oh wow~ My husband is also an Italian man though he rarely stays at home due to his career.. Oh I know! Come visit whenever you want Tsuna-chan, I'll welcome you~" I nodded, sweatdropping. 'Are Japanese people all like this..?' No, probably it was just this woman. But I accepted the offer as it deemed proper.

"Then, I'll be leaving now," I bowed a little and left.


"So this is the place..?" I say to no one in particular as I took out a key from one of the document's envelope. The place is.. huge. It looks the same as any other house that I encountered but the colour of it what makes it unique. It looks like a hunted house. I opened the gate and it creaked slightly, seems that the Vindice rarely uses this house..

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