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The countdown went down to 0 and start the game.. er battle. Asari and G had left the base with their airbikes, meanwhile I stayed with Tsuna in the base. 'I hope those two will be alright..' I silently prayed inside. I know that they are stronger now, but I can't help to worry for their safety..

I glance towards Tsuna who are sitting on one of the chairs, she's looking down to the floor as if she's thinking. I blinked, remembering what Reborn just told me. Of course I go against that but is he in the right mind?! For leaving Tsuna behind and to focus on the attack..'

I look up, noticing something. 'Oh right.. How did we manage to hit the remaining flames needed again?' I tilted my head to the side, confused. The screen inside the base monitor suddenly turns on, brushing the thoughts I had.

"Eh?" I say as I watched the screen, Tsuna too. It displays both G and Asari. "Guys!!" I smiles, knowing that they haven't encounter anyone.. yet.

I suddenly feel.. sick. 'My intuition.. they are warning me..' Mist starts forming inside the base. Alerted, that it must have been Byakuran's guardian, I waited until the man appeared and as soon as he did, I turn on my HDWM and pulled him away from the base, from Tsuna, as far as I can.


"...." I watched Giotto, grabbing the intruders away. '... So who is going to protect me?' I mused to myself, Giotto must have forgotten. I turn my attention back to the screen. Giotto, G and Asari on each screen. The audience had been locked in inside another building, to prevent from helping. 'They're probably watching the fights too.'

Soon enough, G and Asari met their own rivals while Giotto is fighting the mist user. G is facing the cloud guardian who introduced himself as Kikyo and Asari facing the sun guardian, Daisy. 'Then the left one is Byakuran..' I noted as I feel another presence entering the base.

Sighing, 'Well your lose, Vongola.'


"Heeh.. So you're the leader of the Funeral wreathes huh.." I sneered slightly, arrow aimed at him.

"O-ho, and you're Vongola Decimo's right hand man.." Kikyo greeted, I smirks at that as I shot an arrow at him with my bow, he evaded it. "Ukyo!" I called out my box animal as I infused my flames to it, turning it into a Jaguar.

"Lets win this!" I smirks as Ukyo growls.


"Ahaha, nice to meet you, Daisy" I smiles as the other man introduced himself. "Now.. Tell me where Byakuran is so we can win this game." I demanded as I turn serious, katana on hand,

"Please.. don't hurt me.." The man utters as he holds his doll tighter. I laughed, "Then will you tell me where our target is at?" At that, he frowns and turns serious,

"I see.. so it leads to fighting de gozaru." I called out Kagerou, my box animal. "Come on, lets show everyone how much we improved!" I smiles as Kagerou fly.


"Dammit.. " Projectiles and whatnot had surrounded me. I called out Tuna and it chirped happily at being summoned. "Help me out, Tuna" I smile as he burns them all easily.

I then proceed punching the said attackers, who just introduced himself as Torikabuto. "Where is Byakuran?!" I demanded as he disappears.

I look around, surveying my surroundings. Then I could feel his presence behind me. Thankfully, Tuna is on my head as he spit a flame towards the enemy before he landed an attack towards me.

I smile at my partner's work and began attacking the cloaked man.


G and Asari are doing well in their part and so does Giotto. Inside the cube, we were watching the whole situation from here. I then noticed the other screen, its blank. I shadowed my eyes with my fedora, the others are too busy cheering for the rest except Fuuta, Hibari and Mukuro who seems to noticed it too.

Parallel World : KatekyoHitmanRebornWhere stories live. Discover now