Storm Sun

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"So today we have a new transfer student coming in our class." Announced the teacher and the red head guy walked in, "The name's G." He introduced himself. The girls squealed. I smile seeing my friend. He noticed me smiles, the girls becomes louder.

"Then, G-san please sit on the empty chair.." Instead of walking towards the empty chair, he walk to my desk, facing the guy seating right besides me, "Move." He demanded, showing a scary scowl. The poor guy, scared, leave his chair.

"Yo Giotto." He smiles, I nodded, smiling,

"Its been awhile." But to think that they are related to the underground world.. Well, no surprises since when I stayed in Italy, Hayato is always seen with his bombs. That pretty much explains everything, I mean who the hell would allowed a kid to have those dangerous stuffs!


Period ended and we got PE today. I changed to my PE clothes in the changing room. The past few hours, G talked to me, ignoring the teacher and we pretty much caught up with one another. Asari joins in the conversation too.

Before we went to the track field, I saw Hayato, Yamamoto, Tsunayoshi, Hana and Kyoko. They introduced themselves during the lunch we spent together.

They noticed and greeted us. "Hello senpai!" Kyoko greeted, Yamamoto grins, "Nii-san!" and the rest just nodded.

"Who is that?" Asked Yamamoto, pointing towards the red head,

"Fratello.. I mean my brother." Gokudera scowls at seeing me, I sweatdropped.

"You have a brother?" Hana raised an eyebrow at this, Hayato nodded.

"The kid makes friend already?" G asked Tsunayoshi, who are standing near him. She nodded uncertainly.

"Tch why it must be you." Gokudera clicked his tongue, looking away from me, frowns on his face.

"Eh?" Hana, Kyoko and Yamamoto looks confused. G sighed at his brother behavior, walking away from the groups,

"Come on Giotto, we'll be late. de gozaru." I searched the items from my pockets and look towards Tsunayoshi who observe.. G?

"Wait a minute, guys!" Finding the item, I took it out and hand it over to Tsunayoshi, She accepted it. "Your handkerchief.." I say quietly, looking down, "Thank you.. I washed it." I look up to see her and she nodded,

"Its fine." She looked at me, monotone. I flinched a little, when she looks at me in the eye.

"Ah yeah.." I look away and run towards G and Asari, "Bye!" I shouted. They bid us back.


School starts and just like what Bermuda says, one of the storm candidate transferred to our class. A silver head boy who seems like a delinquent. He puts a scowl on his face as he sat right besides me.

The entire period, he kept yawning, not interested at the subject. I quietly observe without him knowing. Just then I noticed that a pen fell to the floor from his table.

I stare at it, contemplating. I then picked it up and put it on his desk. He noticed me doing it and looks surprise. He uttered a thanks and I nodded, paying attention to the teacher. Though the rest of the period I was being observed by the said silver heads instead.

After that, we have an art class. Leaving the class together with Yamamoto, Kyoko and Hana, Gokudera joins in after eyeing our group, me in particular, Yamamoto being Yamamoto invites him to come along. He declines but followed us anyway.

In our way to the art class, we encountered Giotto, Asari and a new face. 'So that's G... Gokudera Hayato's brother..' I noted to myself as I observed the man. 'His storm flame is as strong as his brother's..' They left, with Giotto giving me the handkerchief back. 'I don't really need it though..' But I accepted it.

We left for our class, noticing the hitman's hidden presence.


"EXTREME!!" I heard a voice shouted. As usual, it was coming from Knuckle-san. A student who are in the same year but in different class.

Our PE were joined by another class. Like usual, he keeps screaming and punching into the thin air while running. We sweatdropped at this, we were told to run not boxing...

"He's so loud." Complained G as he run faster. Asari laughed, agreeing, and we followed him. The four of us are way ahead of everyone. I run with ease because of Reborn's training.

"Wow, you guys are fast!" Exclaimed the dark brown black haired. "Lets race to the extreme!" He suggested, grinning,

"No thank you." G decline, Both me and Asari smiles, "Sure."

"Great! In three two one..!!" And off me, Asari and Knuckle-san picked up our pace and run faster. G groans and followed suits.


After we completed our rounds, the four of us panting hard, sitting on the ground. "That was extreme!!" Knuckle grins as he wipe of his sweat,

"I need a drink de gozaru.." "Dammit you three.."

I smile, standing up. The rest did too, "Lets race again, Giotto, Asari and pink hair guy!" He walks away, waving at us.

"My hair is red and I'm G!" Yelled G, not liking his hair being called pink. Me and Asari laughed. 'It does look like pink though.'


School ended and we part ways. Asari has to go for another club activities so me, G, Hayato and Reborn walks home.

"Tch. Why are we here again, bro?" Hayato seems pissed, to walk alongside me.

"Shut it brat, have manners will you!" Scolded G lightly, I sighed.

"You don't fit to be Vongola's boss dammit!" Trust me, Hayato. I don't want too..

G smacks his brother's head lightly, Reborn smirks. "Storm Guardian acquired. Sun guardian found." He tilted his head, hiding his eyes with it,

"Sun?" I raised an eyebrow at this. After walking me home, G and Gokudera left.


[Storm Guardian, G. Gokudera Hayato tagged along.. I think.] I typed my phone and sent the message.

Today, I pretended to be sick and went home early than the rest. Why you asked? Because of my fake background story. A sickly person.

To avoid suspicions, I act accordingly to what has been arranged by Bermuda. Now, I'm in bed, staring at the screen while holding the handkerchief on my other hand.

A minute later, I could feel a presence entering the room. I side glance and sighed. "This is called trespassing, Hibari-senpai." I sighed, sitting on the bed.

"Hn." He walk towards me, "You sick?" Raising an eyebrow,

"......" I stayed silent instead and look down.

"Hn, sleep." He demanded as he pulled the blanket on me,

'What is he doing?!' I inwardly asked myself but do as he told, the sooner I comply to his demands, the sooner he will leave.

I lay on the bed, blanket covering me. He nodded approvingly at his work and walk towards the window, "Get well soon." And off he left.

[Rain and storm.. Next is either lightning I assumed.. or sun. Either way, we won't be able to reply for the time being. But do keep send the information.]

[What do you mean?]

[......Prison break.]

'Someone escaped?!'

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