Sky Ring - Gola Mosca

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"You broke the rules, which means forfeiting your ring, trash." Xanxus besides me scoffs. We're still levitating on the air.

Ignoring Xanxus, Daemon, Mukuro and Chrome tries to bring me back. Flan and Viper blocked their illusion of levitation, "Kufufu.." Mukuro chuckles, annoyed.

"Trash. Sky ring. Now." Demanded Xanxus, glaring at Giotto. Decimo looks confused. He glance at Reborn who nodded, he tossed the ring towards Xanxus. Giotto then looks at me, worried. Then I noticed everyone's eyes is the same as Giotto's, "I'm alright.. They didn't harm me." I announced, they sighed in relieved though they're still wary.

Then Xanxus grabbed me on my shoulder and ordered Flan to leave back, satisfied with the sky ring in his possession. "Tsuna!!" They called out once more before I disappeared along them.


Arriving back to the same room, Xanxus wears the ring on his hands and smirks. "Congratulation boss, you got the ring." Cheered Flan, monotone, clapping. "Hmph." Scoffs Xanxus, "Follow me, trash."

I followed Xanxus from behind, Flan decided to join in. We are walking towards an underground.. Inside their HQ. There are pebbles and dirt on the stairs, Flan being a gentle man, make them all disappears from my paths. "Thank you.." He smiles..?

There, we arrived in front of a huge door. The door doesn't seems to have been opened for quite a long time as it was dusty with spider's web around it. Xanxus open it with ease. Inside, there's a.. robot? I blinked looking closer, this is..

Xanxus smirks and Flan sighed.


We were dismissed after Cervello announced that tomorrow is Storm's battle. G's turn. I feel down along the walk, G andHayato had left, traning more. Knuckle is still healing so Ryohei stayed behind, the rest left already either for training and not wanting to crowd.

"I just hope that Tsuna will be fine.." I whispered to no one in particular, Reborn smirks. "You worry that much for her?" He joked but in this situation.. I could only sighed in worried. 'Now that Reborn mentioned it.. I'm more worried for her rather than the rings...'


"Kufufu~ Dearest brother, I think its really her.." I chuckles, smirking. That shade of hair.. That eyes.. The same. Empty, just like back then. But somehow, there's some sparks now.. Beautiful.

When the damn famiglia was destroyed, Chrome found Chikusa and Ken and soon, Daemon helped us in getting the hell out of that place. We want to bring the girl along but she was nowhere to be seen. "Maybe she already left?" Suggested Chrome back then, we soon left in hope that we meet again.

"But to think we found her here.." Daemon added, "Does she remember you, Chrome?" Chrome shook her head ,"I don't think so.." Oya..~ How dare she, forget about us, most certainly, about me. (and our fabulous hairstyles) "Kufufufu..~" The two looked at me weirdly.


"....." I glare at the raven man. There's a gola mosca. It was banned for it required a human life force, a deadly weapon. The Vindice already destroyed every single one of it and its evidence but to think that there's one left... 'Bermuda will murder this guy.' I noted.

They guy glance at me and back to the mosca. 'Don't tell me he's going too...' "I just think of a good idea." He smirks, "What is it, boss?" Flan asked,

"The girl. Lets use her instead of the old man." 'Ah...'



"WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH YOU TRASH?" Shouts could be heard even from the entrance of the HQ, we glance at each other and decided to follow where the voice sounds.

"VOIII YOU TWO--" Yelled Squalo as we barged into the room, seeing Xanxus with his guns, aiming at Flan who are shielding the brunette.

"What happen?" Viper floats inside, "Ushishishi, a fight?" I smirks, daggers at hand,

"Bel-senpai, Viper-senpai!" Flan noticed us and teleported himself and Tsuna behind us, "Boss is going to use Tsuna for the mosca!"

"What's wrong with it?!" Yelled Xanxus, fed up with the kid. "Boss, I managed to get the thunder ring.." Levi showed him the ring and Xanxus brushed it away harshly, "Like I care for that." Ouch.

Xanxus glared at Flan, "Give her to me. Now." For once, Flan isn't obedient. Well.. he's not but he still listened but.. "Ushishishi, now now boss don't do anything harsh.." I tried to calm the boss down, the gun aimed towards us as Flan hides behind me and Viper.

"SHITTY BOSS PUT THE GUN DOWN!!" Squalo stands in front of him,"Besides," Viper added, "She doesn't even have a flame." Xanxus smirks, "She has."

"What?" Us all choruses together, staring at Principessa. "She has every flames. Principessa just blinked in confusion as she tilted her head to the side, "Flames?"


"Flames?" I faked confusion. But half of me is confused too, truth be told. I only have a flame, not flames. My type of flame is night flame, the same  as Vindice, one of the kind. But then again.. Bermuda did told me that when they found me, they could feel a sky flame from me.. A small presence.

I don't really care for the night flame is nice. Its warm yet cold and dark. A familiar feelings just like back in Vindice. I don't know what happens next though, I sense Viper using his mists illusion to make me sleep, I scoffs. 'Yea right, like that could make me.' But I played along.

My last thought were that, 'What will happen if I'm being used for the mosca.. I won't be able to fill the Vindice the information and Fuuta and Natsu will be worried..' I close my eyes and sleep. 'Giotto...'

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