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Shoichi had brought us back to the past. With our memories and Vongola boxes intact. How I miss my home, my mother, the school, and even the bullies. But as soon as we arrived there, one of them.. no, two of our companion to the future, are missing. Tsuna and Fuuta.

Reborn had actually gathered us all, and by that I meant everyone. Except the girls, we don't want to drag them further than this to the underworld so we bid them off home. It was a very awkward silence inside the living room. Mother had gone to the kitchen to cook up a feast for the guests. We are  confused, some are still loss, while others are just plain ignorant.

"Hime-sama is.." whispered Hayato the nth time. He kept uttering that as if it was a charm or something.

"Nee, what's a Vindice?" Asked Yamamoto, innocently. Us all look at him, baffled. "I've been wondering about that too de gozaru." Asari added, they all sighed.

"Vindice is.. the most fearsome group in the world." Informed G, frowning. "Grim reapers." Commented Hayato as everyone nodded.

"Then, Tsuna is one of them?" Asked Yamamoto in a surprise. We all nodded at that. "And Reborn doesn't noticed that, kora?" Asked Colonello, Reborn twitched.

"...." a silent from the frowning hitman. 'To bypass even Reborn..' I sighed as I stands up, ready to leave the room. "Where are you going?" "To check on her house."

"We've already done that to the extreme!" Both Ryohei and Knuckle says. True, we had checked her house and it was empty. But staying here won't do me any good, even if there's a smallest chance of me meeting her there, I'd take it.

Just as before I open the door, the door was opened from the other side and standing behind it is Bianchi. She glance besides her and nodded, taking a step back so the other person could enter. "....Ranking Prince?!" We all chorused, shocked.

"Hello..." He greeted, trying to smile. He walks inside, some of us stands from out seats,

Kufufufu~ Where's Tsuna." The three laughing man demanded. Fuuta sighed in return as he stands in front of us,

"I'm sorry but.. she won't be coming back." At that, I fell silent and all energy inside me are drained. Feet felt like a jelly, I uttered, scared, "What.. do you mean?"

"And Its all my fault.." he uttered as he looks down, sad expression plastered on his face, "I should have told her that.."

"Tch, bastard what do you mean?!" Yelled Hayato as he lit up his bomb and ready to fire it at him, Yamamoto, Ryohei and Chrome tries to stop him. Meanwhile Hibari and Mukuro are trying their best not to murder the brunette.

Fuuta stays silent, doesn't know how to word it out and probably, doesn't even have the courage to do so. "Fuuta " called Reborn calmly, "Elaborate." Lampo helped him to have a seat as Fuuta sighed deeply. "She was given a choice." He says, all our attention fell to him.

"To either stay or come back.." He uttered softly. We all try not to throw questions, so he could continue. "If I told her that, she would have not to.." Fuuta widened his eyes at the last part, shivering in fear.

I look at him, worrying, "Fuuta..?" I called out, the man flinched in return. "I can't tell you.." he frowns, still shivering in fear. "Or he will.." I sense something telling me to stop. To stop asking further or something bad will happen.

It seems that they get the message too as they tried their best not to push further. "Nufufufu~" laughs Daemon, interrupting the chilly atmosphere, "So the principessa is truly one of them.."

"Daemon..?" We all look towards him who was frowning as he stares down, "You know all of this?" Questioned Alaude, a slow nod in return. "How come you didn't tell?!" I demanded, "If you tell earlier then I could--" "We can't, Vongola." Mukuro interrupted.

Flan felt silent, looking away and so does Chrome. This doesn't go unnoticed by Reborn, "You two too?" They nodded slowly. "Although It was just a hunch.." Reply Flan, glancing at Viper, "She probably overheared it since the communication were still connected." Viper in return just sighed, "Explain." I demanded.

"She followed us, trash." Scoffs Xanxus, yawning a bit. "And you let her?!" I yelled at him, angry, "Voi!!" Yelled Squalo, irritated at my attitude, "It was her request!"

"And we even gave her a gun to protected herself." Added Lussuria as we all stares at the Varia, as if they are mad. "You gave her a gun?" Repeated Hibari as he took out his tonfa, "Ushishishi~ We thought that Flan, Mukuro and Daemon could protect her so.." Alaude and Dino stop him from killing them on the spot,

"Continue, melon." Said Reborn, irritated. Daemon twitched slightly at that but nonetheless continues, "She disappeared soon after with the doll."

"One of the vice captains?!" Asked Lal, they nodded. "And we don't know the rest." Added Flan as the three fruits frowns slightly. "Still got something to say?" I glare at Daemon who looks away, uncomfortable.

"Did you know of this too, Chrome?" I look at the girl, frowning a bit. Somewhat disappointed at the timid girl, she hides behind Mukuro in fear. "Y.. yes..." She answer, Mukuro sighed. "Please tell me. No, tell us." The three glance to one another before Daemon nodded towards us,

"Alright, I'll spill it out." Mukuro glared at him who just shrugged, "I did told you am not completely on her side. I'm Giotto's guardian after all, though I'm still grateful." Confused at his words though knowing Daemon loyalty is on my is very.. surprising. "I'll do the talking." Mukuro informed, sighing.

"We were captured by the Estraneo.."


Finally, I'm back in Vindice's HQ. Although I did say that, Bermuda and the others aren't here... 'How odd.' I did received a message from Bermuda to come back or either stay, of course I come back. I missed them very much after all.

Natsu had joined me and are sitting on my shoulder. "Bermuda..? Jager..?" I called out, no answer.

'Where are them..?' I frown slightly, not liking where this is going.

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