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"Nee, do you want marshmallow, Tsunayoshi-chan?"

"No." I close my eyes, sighing,

"Hm.. Wanna play Tsunayoshi-chan~?"

"No." Twitching slightly,

"Alright, lets play--"

"Can you shut up for just one minute?" I glare at him behind my bangs, fully irritated at the albino in front of me. Its been an hour since they've taken me with them and this Byakuran guy kept talking non-stop, makes me want to murder---

"Hahaha~" Laughs Byakuran, "You look like you want to kill me, Tsunayoshi-chan~" 'No shit sherlock.' He smiles happily in return, I sighed.

A knock came and enters one of his guardian, a red head. "Byakuran-sama, we've found their base." He bowed slightly, showing respect to the albino.

"Hmn~" Smirks Byakuran as he stands up from the couch, walking towards the door, "Then, wait for me alright, Tsunayoshi-chan~ It'll be quick." He smiles slyly as he walks out from the door with the red head man.

"......." I sighed inwardly, standing up. 'Lets run away.' I nodded to Natsu who jumps out from my clothes, "Gao~". 'If he comes back..' I shudders at the thought, 'An endless rambling..' Walking towards the door, someone is opening it, I stop, 'Who?'

A long blue haired girl takes a peek inside, "...." She stares at me, observing, I stare back at her silently.

"..... Do you want to come in?" I asked, unsure.


After our escape, the Varia brought us back to the HQ. The girl, who introduced herself as Yuni, is with us. Apparently, she's like Reborn, an arcobaleno. "What are we going to do now?! Tsuna-sama is being taken as a hostage!" Yelled Hayato,

"Calm down, brat!" Snarled G, "Mama.. you two.." The two rain tries to calm the storms. Sitting in the meeting room, everyone is presence, sans Fuuta. I frown a bit, 'If only I'm stronger..' I clenched my fists.

"Arcobaleno." Daemon called out, standing besides him are his siblings who looks ready to kill, "Lets go bring her back." He declares angrily, some of them nodded at this, they are worried for Tsuna too.

"Don't be stupid! We need to have a plan first!" Lal yelled back, some agrees with her.

"Hn. The plan is to bring her back and kill the herbivores." Hibari says the obvious,

"Like Lal says, Kora! We need to have a plan first!" Yelled Colonello back,

"I agree with the raven trash." Xanxus says, cue discussion war. I sighed as I stands up, leaving the room wordlessly. Reborn noticed me leaving and followed me from behind.

"Dame-Giotto." He called out, I glance behind, "Where are you going?"

"Somewhere quiet." I sighed, walking away. Reborn in return just followed me behind, keeping a distance. 'At least he knows that I'm not in the mood for ridiculous things at the moment..' I sighed.

"Fuuta?" Reborn says from behind. I look up and noticed the ranking prince, standing in front of me. "Hello." He greeted, smiling. I inwardly frown inside, 'How come he could smile when Tsuna.. His childhood friend has been taken away..?'

"Where are you going?" Demanded Reborn as he walk closer to us, "Ah, I was goi--" A sudden red alarm, like the previous infiltrator, shines along the corridor.

"What happened?!" I asked, worried. "Seems like we've under attack.." Reborn shadowed his eyes with his fedora. "Huh?"

"Giotto!!" Yelled my guardian, sans Daemon and Alaude. Their siblings are running towards us also, "We have to extremely get out of here!" Yelled Knuckle and Ryohei as I was being pulled along by them,

"What happened? Did someone?!" Lampo nodded, "Its Byakuram's guardian.." He says, trying to keep up with our running pace, "Wait what about the rest?!" I asked, glancing back. It was covered with smokes from the attacks.

"Don't worry." Reply Asari, "The Varia and the arcobaleno is fighting against the man right now, Bianchi and Dino are protecting the girls so its fine." Continued Yamamoto.

"Adult I-pin and Fon told us to go here.." I received a paper from Alaude, 'Be safe, guys!' Thus, me and my guardians, the siblings, Reborn and Fuuta runs away from the HQ.


"So you like swimming?" I asked, sipping a tea. After an awkward staring at each other, she ordered some snacks and tea from one of the man guarding the room outside, and here we are, having tea time.

"Yes~" She chirped happily, rubbing Natsu's ears, "Swimming is really fun~ Though now I prefer fighting more than swimming~" I hummed at that,

"Bluebell was it?" I asked, she nodded happily, "Do you know what Byakuran is planning?" She frowns slightly at that, "I can't tell you, Tsuna!" She pouts, I sweatdropped inwardly,

'It was just a minute after our introduction and she starts calling me that nickname..' I sighed, "I see.." Looking down to the unfinished tea.

"Hmn~ But its alright~" She says as Natsu purred at her touch, "Byakuran-nii will quickly finished them off~" She smiles happily, I raised an eyebrow at her claim, "What do you mean?"

"Because we have that~" "That?" "That~!" "Gao~"

"......" Huh?


"Is this the place?" I asked, glancing back towards the paper. "Seems so.." Reply Chrome timidly. Alaude and Hibari opened the door and let themselves in.

"Uh.." I sweatdroped but followed suits, "Hello, is anyone home?" The place seems empty. "Huh, who?" Came out a white haired man wearing glasses from one of the doors, "Kawahira-san was it?" I asked, repeating the names written on the paper.

A sudden jerk by Fuuta, causing an item nearby fall to the ground. ".... You.." He utters, somewhat shocked.

"Ah.. Prince Fuuta?" The man says, Fuuta nodded smiling slightly. "Eh?"


"I see.." He utters, thinking. Giotto and the others told him about what happened with our condition, from the day we transferred here to the future until how I-pin and Fon sent us here. He glance towards me and raised an eyebrow,

I shrugged in return. I could feel everyone is staring at us, suspicious. "There's nothing I could help you though." Frowns Kawahira, at that the Vongola frowns,

"What do you mean?" Kawahira stands up and walk towards a cabinet, "Because I don't care." He deadpanned. We all sweatdropped at that,

"...." Kawahira took out a ring from the cabinet and walk back towards us, "But just this once since it involved Principessa.." He whispered lowly, I smile.

"Eh?" Some of them probably couldn't catch that, except a certain hitman, the fruits and skylarks who raised an eyebrow at that. As if on cue, a loud destruction noise happens nearby. Yamamoto and Ryohei take a from the windows, "Its them!!" the two warned,

The Vongola are guarding the doors, planning to attack if the Millefiore found us. I glance back to Kawahira who already activate his flames to the rings, "...Go." He says and suddenly, the attack ceased.

"What did you just do?" Demanded Giotto, Kawahira sighed as he opens the door, "Leave now." "Eh?" A single glare from the man and everybody leaves. Reborn and the skylarks gets annoyed however, while the others are confused.

"What did he just do?" Asked Hibari, glaring at me. "He just sent fake signals.. that's all." I reply, "And he seems to hate you guys for intruding his place so.." They sighed,

"What now?" Asked Lampo, holding a sleeping Lambo on his arms, "Lets find a place to hide first." Everyone nodded at Giotto and we leave.

Parallel World : KatekyoHitmanRebornWhere stories live. Discover now