Time Machine

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I twitched slightly at his presence, 'Finally--!!! We found him at last..' just before Xanxus landed an attack to him, he injected something to the twins that makes them fainted

"Eh?" We all raised an eyebrow, confused. "Haah.. finally, you're here, Giotto." He says, relieved.

"Eh?" I uttered, confused. "Don't worry, I'm on your side--" "LIKE HELL, GIOTTO DON'T LISTEN TO HIM--" G yelled, he got calmed down by Asari,

"Hear me out will you!!"


"Where are we going, Gingerbread?" I asked as I being led by Gingerbread towards.. Vongola's HQ?

I raised an eyebrow at that, the doll just smirks. "You know, they shouldn't be here right now." He stated, I tilted my head to the side, "What do you mean?"

"Help me out, Principessa." He asked, "Teleport them using the night flames to where Vongola Pri-- Decimo are at." 'Pri..?' I oblidged. Even though I want to ask a question regarded why.

Transporting them all was an easy task. I did so without making a contact with them. Still inside Vongola HQ.

Of course I didn't transport Fuuta along, as he run around, confused at the rest's absence. "Fuuta." I called out, "Tsuna!!" He run towards me and hugged me,

"Geez, you had me worried you know!" I smile at that, "Gao~" Natsu came jumping towards me, "I'm sorry.."

"So whose that?" Asked Fuuta, looking at Gingerbread who scowls. "Why is he here?" Demanded the doll, "Nevermind about that. Lets go." I nodded at that and we're teleport back.


"So you mean we're being called from the future so we could save this timeline from Byakuran?" I asked the nth time, ridicule at the story but.. it seems to be true. I sense no lie from the red head.

He nodded. "Please trust me!" He begged slightly, my guardians are still suspicious of Shoichi. The ones being trapped in a tank had been released.

"Well.. I guess I.." a black.. flame.. surround us, "wha.. what's happening?!" Asked Yamamoto, worried.

"Kufufufu.." "Nufufufu.." the two laughs silently. The mists cleared up and what revealed in front of us is.. "Reborn?! And the others..."

Some of them are unconscious. The girls are, the rest are as confused as us. "Why are we..?!" Asked Lal.

"Dame-Giotto." Reborn called, I face him. "Seems that.. we were being transported here.." I nodded.

"Did you did it, Shoichi-san?" Asked Fon. They already heard his explanation through the communication, he's not an enemy. The man shook his head, indicating a 'no'

"Then..?" A giggle voice surrounds the room and came out.. a magician?

"I bring you all here~" Cheered the boy in wizard costumes, "Gingerbread?!" Gasped Shoichi, "Oh no.. he'll report it to Byaku--"

"I will not." We blinked, confused at that. Daemon, Mukuro and Fran seems unfazed.

"Why and how " Reborn pointed leon gun at him, ready to fire. The doll just smirks as he flew around the air with his broom,

"Shoichi needs you all. Since you'll be transferred back to the past for your trials."
"How did you kno-"
"I know everything."

"Um... what trials?" I asked, confused at the two's conversation. 'Are they allies or..?'

Shoichi just sighed, "Yes.. after reuniting you all together, Giotto and I.. Giotto of this era, planned to send you back to get the arcobaleno trials.

We all blinked, confused. "Huh?" The arcobaleno raised an eyebrow, "You mean our.." He nodded.

"Your pacifier." Pointed Shoichi at their pacifier, "Is weak if you're here. Sending you back to the past will restore it and you can give them their seals."

We all listened, focus. "The day spent here, rivals a week in yours. While you're on that, you can undergo another training. We can managed ourselves by a day, until Byakuran noticed me betraying him.."

We all glance towards each other, still unsure. "You know, what Shoichi says is good for your part also." Commented Spanner.

He pointed towards a sleeping Kyoko, Hana, Haru and Tsuna.. "Bring them back to their time." 'That's right.. the girls.. Tsuna..'

I walk towards Tsuna, laying on the floor, sleeping soundly. I nodded, "Alright." I look towards Shoichi who starts getting ready for the time machine,

"Dame-Giotto.." called Reborn, I gulped nervously. "You do know what this means.. right?" I nodded, 'Confessed everything.. about the mafia.. about... Vongola.'

"Are you guys ready?" Asked Shoichi as we were told to step into the machine, we nodded

"Don't worry" Assured Dino, "We'll stay on guard here while you're gone." Adult I-pin, Giannini, Shoichi, Spanner and Bianchi nodded. The doll just watched us.

"Stay safe guys ..." and we're back.


And after that, they're gone. What substitude them is this era's Principessa, this era's Fuuta and this era's guardian's siblings.

I smirks as I watched them, confused, and baffled at Tsunayoshi's presence. She's wearing the usual Vindice's clothes, hands and legs are bandages. "Principessa, lets go~"

I fly towards her and offered her a hand, she took it silently. She hold Fuuta's hand along with her as the Prince nodded.

"Wait, Tsuna/Tsuna-sama/Carnivore/Tsunayoshi/Tsuna-san !!!!" The guardians yelled, along with the Varia member.

"....." and we're gone from their sights.

'This timeline, Tsunayoshi chooses us..

What about that Principessa?'

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