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Up until the age of 5 I don't remember anything but after that.. I remembered clearly. Age 5 and I'm already used as an experiment of an organization. I used to have a cellmates, a girl and two boys, They are siblings. Me and the girl are on the same age while the boys are 1 and 2 years older. We didn't talked much.

They were the newcomers. After spending a year alone, they were put into my cell. I was the only one occupying it and the rest are full so they have no choice but to put them with me. Why was I alone? For I was the only subject that was successful.. up until then.

Being thrown inside, I could watch the girl crying while the older one consoled her, the oldest one were glaring at their abductor. They kept yelling to released them, which the guards paid no attention to. They're loud. Apparently, their friends were put in another cell besides those three siblings. Or so I heard their conversations.

They noticed me, curling on the corner of the room. They ignored me at first but out boredom, they began talking to me. I ignored them of course, what's the point of it all if they're going to die anyway? They didn't look happy that I ignored them. They kept their distance.

Another day had passed by and the guards walked towards our cells, ready to take a subject to be experimented on. The oldest one protected the two, hiding them behind him. But the guards just scoffs as he ordered me to get out. I comply. Usually if the guards came to your cell, you'd be cowering in fear and refused to go out but I know that's futile. They'll forced you sooner or late, with some beatings.

The three sighed in relieved but also a look of worry plastered on their face. I followed the guards slowly from behind. They know I won't run away, unlike the rest they get chained up and dragged to the experiment room.

After finished injecting me with different type of potions, they bring me back to my cell. Sweating, skin's full with small holes, indicating that I was injected a lot. I didn't scream like the rest did. I'm used to it. It feels like a mosquito bite. They locked the door, knowing that the other three will try to escape.

Gasp and looks of concern were directed at me. I ignored the looks and pity and sit on the corner again, trying to sleep. Days gone by and the three seems to not have caught the scientist's interests yet as he kept on calling me, as usual. After the incident, the girl tried to talk to me, opening up.

We engaged in small conversations, but she regarded me as her friends already. Of course the one who initiate all the talking were her and I only reply with some simple words. The two brother slowly opening up to me too.

"Nufufu~ When will rescue comes. Better yet, I'll want to crush them myself." The oldest one who introduced himself as Daemon, spat while glaring at the guards. They didn't heard him as they were far away from our cells.

"Kufufu~ Patience, dear brother. I'll eliminate them after I've contacted Chikusa and Ken." Mukuro smirks as he caress the cell's bars.

Chrome's head was on my shoulder, sleeping. I didn't consent to this. She just did it by herself. Wanting to push her away for its heavy but I've got no more energy left. They did something to me yesterday and it made my body.. warms. I look indifferent on my face but inside, I'm burning.

Soon the guards came and ordered me to go out of the cell. "The girl too." They announced. Hearing that, Chrome wakes up and looks terrified. I already walked out of the cell, leaving her behind and are standing behind the guards. I raised an eyebrow at this, 'So she was picked..'

The other guards were trying to pull the girl outside but the two brothers were hitting the man to released their sister. Due to their size and strength, they were easily brushed off. Chrome is crying as she was being chained on both hands.

"I'm scared.." She whispered looking at her brothers and then at me.

"Dammit, released my sister you fiend!!" The older one tries to reached out from the bars but she was dragged away by the guards, leaving me behind with the two desperate brothers.

I sighed as I began walking towards the usual room but the other boy called out, "You..!" I turned around slightly, staring at the man as if indicating a 'what'. They introduced themselves and their names, I didn't for I don't even remember my name. This leads them to calling out me as You or Hey. "Chrome.." he continues, "Protect Chrome... Please.."

I raised an eyebrow at this. For those two sadistic brothers to say a taboo word of 'please'.. They're desperate. I turned around and began to walk away, "I'll try." I uttered softly. They heard it.


But I was late. Arriving there, I could see Chrome's hand covering her left eye, blood coming out from it. 'Did they just inject her eyes?' I walk slowly towards her bed, she was screaming. I stayed silent, monotone. I watched her cry tears of blood.

The scientist walks up to me, standing besides me. He announced, "I've been trying something new." Attention still focused on Chrome, I asked, "Involved with the eyes?" I raised an eyebrow. He chuckles evilly and shook his head, "No. She was struggling too much that I accidentally injected her eyes."

He picked me up and put me on the other bed. I was too short to climb it myself. I lay on the bed, waiting for the usual injections. He ignored the screaming girl as he brings out another phial of potions. "I'll be trying it on you next." He announced as he injected it on me.


'After that.. Flames erupted from me and I destroyed the place down.' I close my eyes, remembering the scene. The day where we all were released from hell. The day the Vindice saves me.

School resumed for they managed to defeat the attackers and only the Vongola and his guardians knew who did it. Including me. It was Rokudo mukuro, Chrome Dokuro and Daemon Spade.

Although they won, they still received heavy injuries. Asari had to stopped his club activities as his hands are in not in a well condition. Knuckle won't be screaming soon, he's done with the his enemy's sound attack.

The Vindice sent me the information. 'Were they presence there?' I should have followed Decimo.

Getting ready to school. It was a long memory in the past. They must have forgotten, Si?

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