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"Nufufu~ Enough acting, Tsunayoshi. We know who you are." I stayed silent, as I watch the fruits talks.

"Kufufu.. Did you remember us?" I close my eyes and sighed, to think that they'll really confront me about this..' I open my eyes, "Hello, Rokudo Mukuro, Daemon Spade and Chrome Dokuro."

They widened their eyes slightly, "It really is you.." Chrome whispers, eyes in tears. She walks towards me and hug me, "I miss you, Tsuna-san!" Crying. I sighed, not knowing what to do to this crying girl. "Please let go of me.." Chrome doesn't listen.

"Nufufu~ Why are you here in Japan?" Interrogate Daemon, smirking. 'Alright, lets see how my lies will do.' I look at him, in the eyes, "My parents sent me here, of course."

"Nufufu, lies..~" I glared at him, "You're not the only one who escape the hell, melon." "Kufufu~" "You--"

I look down and frowns, "After that I.. try to find my way back.. My mother and father had called the police to search for me.. Thankfully they noticed who I am so they brought me home.." I make sure I'm shaking slightly, putting up a sad expression. "Tsuna-san.." Chrome releases me,

"Kufufu~ Worry not, my dear Tsunayoshi~" Mukuro hugs me from behind. I twitched a little, Daemon on the other hands, is not yet fully convinced. I sense Fuuta is awake and most certainly, will check outside to see if I'm back. 'Lets see now..'

I continue, "After that my parents won't allow me to leave the house because of the incident.. My one and only friend is an acquaintance of my father's son.. They sent me here to Japan, thinking that Italy was too dangerous for me so I.." At that, Fuuta opens the door,

"Tsuna, you're home?" Shocked to see the uninvited guests, "Who..?" I release myself from Mukuro's hug and walk towards Fuuta, "Sorry... I'm a bit unwell so I need some rest.. Excuse me." I enter the house, Fuuta close the door.


"Kufufu, good job dear brother of mine.." I glare at my brother, "You made her remember the horrible past.."

"Hey, you were curious too, weren't you just now?!" Countered Daemon, looking guilty.

"I hope Tsuna-san will be alright.." Chrome whispers lowly, I sighed.

"Lets go home, its late already." We all disappear from the sights and returns back to the Kokuyo Land.


"Welcome back, byon~" "Welcome back, Mukuro-sama, Daemon-sama, Chrome-sama." I nodded at the two and us three enters a room,

"....." We three stayed silent, not knowing what to say.

"Although I'm a bit curious.." Stated Daemon. We both look at him, "What do you mean?"

"That's Ranking Fuuta." Informed Daemon, 'That Prince?' I raised an eyebrow, heard of the name and the title. He's famous in the underworld, many seeks him and his ranking abilities. He was ever in the protection of Vindice, they all immediately gave up on the man knowing that he is allied to the grim reapers.

"Does that mean.. Tsunayoshi might be connected to the mafia in some ways?" I concluded, Daemon nods. "Though, I don't know if she is really here for peace or.. Vongola." Continued Daemon. I smirks,

"I'm on Tsunayoshi's side if it comes to that." Chrome nods, "Me too.. Giotto-san is a nice guy but.. I owe Tsuna-san for releasing us all.." We look at Daemon, "What about you?"

"Nufufu.. I am Giotto's guardian, you know." We raised an eyebrow, "So?" Daemon sighed, "Alright alright, I'm on Giotto's side. But that doesn't mean that I'll tell him all this, after all, I'm still indebted to her." I smirks at that, "Kufufu~"


"Tsuna, wasn't that.." I sighed, "Yes.. its those three.." Fuuta looks worried, glancing at the door, "Will it be alright though?" I look at him and nods,

"I told them that you are my childhood friend.. Not a lie though." Fuuta smiles, walking me towards my room, "Natsu is sleeping right now." he informed,

"Good night, Tsuna." I nodded, "Goodnight, Fuuta."


Notes: Tsuna, Gokudera, Yamamoto, Hibari, Mukuro, Chrome, Ryohei has the same age same grade. Hibari is not going to class, you people know that already. Lambo is still 5 years old, Fuuta is the same age as Tsuna (10 Years Later Fuuta.). Giotto, G, Asari, Knuckle, Lampo, Daemon, Alaude is a year above the rest.

The arcobaleno is not a baby, they don't age instead because of the curse. However, Bermuda is a baby. The Varia's age is the same, except Flan who are the same age as Tsuna.



-After the Varia conflict-

"Hey, Fuuta..." Tsuna called out to the brown haired man, he was peeling an apple's skin for me. It was night, the time where Vongola and Varia had already went home. I came to visit to the hospital.

"Yes, Tsuna?"I feed her an apple shaped rabbit, "Giotto's lips just touches my forehead..." I froze, "Eh?"

Tsuna continued, "Is that a Japanese's customs?" she look at me, eyes curious.

"That vongola..." I muttered,. she tilt her head to the side, confused "Fuuta?"

"No its nothing, Tsuna! Just forget about that alright, it doesn't mean a thing." I try to smile, fail.

"Hm.." She took another bite of an apple. I on the other hand, is planning ways to assassinate the blond Vongola.

"I don't dislike it though." She continued. The apple I was peeling got crushed by my hands.

She planted a kiss on my forehead, the apple fell from my hold. I widened my eyes slightly, "Tsuna..?" She stops and looks at me, my face turns bright red,

"I kinda wanted to try it.. Also, are you sick, Fuuta? Your face.." I look away from Tsuna,

'She's too innocent!!!"

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