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I was awake during the whole time. But I slept since the doll had suggested me too. Shoichi had sent us all back to the past and right now, we're inside Giotto's house. Upon arriving here, he seems serious and.. 'Is he going to reveal everything to Kyoko and the others?' Amused.

Sitting inside the living room, the arcobaleno of the future had ended up being transferred here also for they needed their pacifier and this time's. "And.. everything.. We're a mafia.." Confessed Giotto. The girls widened their eyes, shocked.

"You mean you.." Gasped Hana, lost in words. "Onii-chan!!" Screamed Kyoko, in tears, "You mean you.. and Knuckle-nii too..." She sniffles silently, the two suns tries to cheer her up. "Hahi.. Mafia.." Haru is confused, she kept uttering the same words over and over.

I on the other hand, stayed silent. They knew that I came from Italy, so it shouldn't be much of a surprise. But I still pretended to be confused, frowning slightly. "Tsuna.." Giotto whispered, worried. He slowly touched my hand, I flinched slightly at his touch.

"I'm sorry.. It must have given you a scare.." I stare at him, confused at his.. actions. 'Why would he be sorry?' Not liking the fact that Giotto is.. like this... I shook my head. "No, its fine. Fuuta is somewhat related to the mafia so I'm used to it.." I added softly, assuring the latter.

He sighed in relieved. The girls had taken it rather well. They seems to trust Giotto and the rest enough to be calm after the shock. "Promise me you have to take care of yourself." Us four says towards everyone, they all nodded, smiling. Including Alaude and Hibari. "Of course."

"Then, we'll be leaving now.." Us four, Fuuta too, stands up and ready to walk out from the house. "Don't forget, next week we'll bee meeting up in Namimori Shrine." We all nodded at that.

"Good luck, Giotto." I say, "And also everyone." They nodded, "Thank you, Tsuna." They all smiles, a certain hitman shadowed his eyes.


"..... What will you do now, Tsuna?" Asked Fuuta, Natsu in his arms. Walking back towards the house. "I'll need to report everything back.." Fuuta somewhat flinched slightly at that, I shrugged it off.


Days had gone by. I didn't go to school since my target is out, training with the arcobaleno. I bet the girls aren't, too occupied with the events too. I sighed as I sit in the living room. Currently night time, windows open, letting the night breeze inside and the moon shine upon.

'Just like back then...' "Gao~" Natsu jumps towards me, licking my cheek. "You're still awake?" I smile as Natsu nodded. We watched the night sky through the windows. I open my mouth as I sung a lullaby,

"Yuuu ra riii... Yuuu ru re riiii..." I close my eyes and feel asleep.


"Ngh.. Natsu..?" I open my eyes and searched for the cub, he's not sleeping besides me. "Where did he go?" I leave my room and noticed Tsuna and Natsu sleeping on the sofa. I smile slightly and carried her, bridal style, to her room.

I laid her gently on her bed, covering her a blanket. "Sweet dreams, Tsuna." I smiles as I peck a kiss on her forehead.


They got our seals. By that I meant the future arcobaleno and me. Currently, we're going after of this era's seals. I've told them to stay behind so they arcobaleno here won't freaked out seeing a clone of themselves.

'I need to ask the CEDEF for Tsunayoshi's information..' Something about the girl.. 'I could feel flames inside her.' A candidate for Giotto's guardian? No, she possessed.. the same flames as Dame-Giotto. This will be interesting. If it weren't for the fact that we're in a tight situation right now. We got 3 more days after all, it won't be enough.

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