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"Wow.." I gasp, amazed. I heard G's whistled and Lambo widened his eyes slightly. Asari laughs, Knuckle shouts, Daemon and Alaude stays indifferent. "Nice hideout, Lal." Reborn smirks. We just arrived in one of the Vongola's last stronghold.. or so Lal said.

The place is huge, located in the underground of Namimori. 'Vongola must be filthy rich..' Well, they are a mafia famiglia after all. We were guided by Lal towards a room. Inside, three familiar figure presents. "G..?" "Asari-nii..?!" Eh?

The two's face looks surprised.. 'wait do I know them..?' "Hayato?" "Takeshi?" Both G and Asari said in chorus, "EH??"Me and Lampo gasp.

They look.. older? Gokudera wears a suit with a red on it while Yamamoto wears the same suit but with a blue on it. They look.. mafia ish. The said man becomes teary, "Eh? What's wrong?" Asked Asari, concerned.

Yamamoto walks up towards Asari and hug him silently, Hayato on the other hand tries to attack G half heartedly. " Oi, brat!!" "Dammit G.. why did you have to die.."

"What?" Us all chorus, "Explain." Demanded Reborn.

"Ciao, Reborn!" The other man, who are watching, called out. "Giannini?" I raised an eyebrow, somewhat familiar. The said guy nods, "Welcome to the future, 10 years from your period, everyone~" He greeted.


"WHAT DO YOU MEAN WE ALL DIED?" Lampo panicked at what Hayato, Yamamoto, Giannini and Lal's explanation. It'd be a lie if we didn't get surprised too at their.. claim, but we were too shocked to say anything..

"Like I said.." Sighed Lal, "The Millefiore were waging war on Vongola and their allies. Vongola Decimo and their guardian." They all look at us, "Died." She declared. I paled at that, well everyone did, except Alaude who scoffs. "Including..." Continued Giannini,

"SHUT UP!" Hayato scream out of nowhere, stopping Giannini as the said guy is scared at the sudden outburst. "....." Yamamoto looks down, sad expression plastered on his face.

We could hear Lal's sighed, "Reborn.. You too." Somehow, I feel there's more? Reborn raised an eyebrow at that, he too was shocked but he took it better than us all.

The room becomes silent... We were thinking about our.. Gulp, deaths. But our thoughts were soon interrupted as red lights flashing inside the room, warning sound.

"Eh? What's wrong to the extreme?" Giannini, Lal, Hayato and Yamamoto rushed out from the room, we followed them immediately, worried.

Huge computer screen and computers inside, controller room? They turn the screen on displaying.. Adult Hana, Kyoko, Haru.. Running with Adult Lambo, I-pin and a chinese man..? "Eh?"

"They found them!!" Informed Lal as Hayato and Yamamoto leaves the room, presumable going after them. "We're going too!!" Me, G and Asari follows suits, the rest stays.



After they left, I stayed here deliberately. "Lal." I called out, the fellow arcobaleno look towards me, ".. Come." She leaves the room and I followed her from behind. Noticing two figures quietly following us.


Arriving in an empty room, Lal looks towards me, straight in the eyes. "Wait." I smirks as I glance towards the side, "I know you're here, Dameon, Alaude." The two revealed themselves, "Nufufu~ As I expected from an arcobaleno~" "Hn." Lal glance at them,

"Don't say this in front of your siblings.. But Tsunayoshi also died.. No, rather she disappears.." I raised an eyebrow at this, Alaude did too while Daemon.. shocked, sad, concern? All those.

Parallel World : KatekyoHitmanRebornWhere stories live. Discover now