Storm Ring

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Night came and its the storm's battle next. The Sun ring is in our possession but we lost both Sky and Lightning. We need to get the Storm to balance this... I glance at G who looks ready to fight, he's in his best condition.

He nodded at me, "Its alright, Giotto. I'll win this." I smile. Hayato and Shamal wishes G luck and off the red head walk towards the arena.

It was held inside the school itself. We were told to stay outside, watching from the screen the camera are showing.

"Ushishishi~" laughs the prince creepily, "Good luck to you~" he pat G's shoulder, G just glared at him, eyes determine to win.

"Battle start " the cervello announced.


Today is the third day of the ring conflict. I lost and am staying back in the Varia's HQ. I could manage walking but it still take a great effort too.

I heard from Viper that Tsu-chan will be used for the Mosca instead of Nono, I payed him for the information. We planned to kidnapped Nono during the lightning battle but it seems that Boss found a better idea.

Flan disagree with the idea and so do I, after hearing it. If Tsu-chan were to become the fuel for Mosca, she'll die! Usually I don't care if its someone I barely know, even if its my own teammates but Tsu-chan is a nice girl.

She likes my cooking, converse with me when I'm sick.. No wonder Flan likes her so much, she's like him.

I arrived at the basement, Xanxus is there and also Flan. "Lussuria." Flan noticed me, "Hello~"

Xanxus glance behind to us and scoffs. There, in front of him, Gola Mosca's were open and inside, there's Tsuna. Sleeping peacefully.

"Boss I don't think this is a good idea.." I sighed. Xanxus grunts, "I'm planning to make her my cloud guardian, you know."

"What?" Both Flan and I chorused , confused. Xanxus continued, "Too bad she has all the flames. Including sky."

"So you plan to fuse her into Mosca and only extract her cloud's?" Flan asked, monotone. Xanxus nodded. Ah.. if only Tsu-chan doesn't have the sky flame.. Boss really loathe people who have sky flame, probably because his are not pure.

We watched the machine beeping. Me and Flan kept our frowns while Xanxus just groans, it took a long time to finish synching.


The battle ended with Bel, winning. Here I bet that he'll lost. I sighed as I payed Levi. The building was collapsing, about to trap the two.

Bel being.. Bel, he prioritize in winning more than his life. Idiot. (Though I probably choose money too but)

Giotto had ordered G to leave the ground and save his life, abandoned his duty. Of course being the loyal dog he is, he refuses. That is until his brother and Trident Shamal talk sense with him.

'Well, they could still win.' I thought to myself. Rain, Cloud and Mist left.. I doubt they will though.

"Sorry Giotto.." I heard G apologized to Giotto, "its alright." They left, bringing the injured G back to the nearest medic the Chiavarone boss had prepared.

While us Varia is busy deciding which one of us will retrieve Bel's corpses. "Ushishishi.." a weak laughed could be heard from inside the ruins, 'Or maybe not.'

Squalo brings him back to the HQ.


"Tsuna isn't replying.." I frown as I hug Natsu, "Gao.." he whimpers. A day had passed and almost two, is she having trouble in Varia?

I shudders at the thought, they are professional assassins.. Tsuna might already get killed--!!! I widened my eyes, panicking.

Natsu licked my hand, attempting me t calm down. I smile softly, "Gao~" I nodded. "You're right, Natsu, Tsuna is strong. She can protect herself." Natsu smiles and jump to my head.

Then we feel a bit.. sluggish. A mist forms inside the house, 'Its them..' I gulped. Even if I had stayed with the Vindice for some time, they still scares me. Their presence is so intimidating, 'ugh..'

Natsu stands in front of me, Gaoing happily. "Vindice..." I utter quietly, as if speaking it could kill me, they nodded at me and Natsu.

"Where's Principessa?" One of them, which I recognized is one of the boss, Jager, demanded. I shook my head, indicating a 'no.' Natsu frowns.

"Are you looking for Tsuna too?"

They nodded, "We're here to give her new orders." The baby, Bermuda, says as he floats infront of me and Natsu,

"What will it be?" I asked, looking anywhere but their figure, "I could sent her the message for you.."

"....." they look at one another for awhile, "Alright, please pass the order to her." I gulped,

"She is to be dismissed from the Vindice for awhile." I widened my eyes as Jager continues,

"We won't be able to be in contact for... a year or two. We've been called."

"B.. by who? If I may asked.."

"... Its confidential." I sighed, of course they won't tell an outsiders. Sweatdropping a little, "Though tell Principessa that by the time we meet again.."

Mists starts forming inside the room, as they slowly disappears, "We'll become either enemies or allies, all is up to her choice.."

"What?" Before I could process what he says, they disappears from our sights.

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