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In the forest, Giotto and the others are facing Byakuran and his guardians, protecting Ghost before he leashed his attack.

The Vongola's side are trying their best to lay an attack but it was all futile due to Byakuran. The said man is pissed after all.

Varia and the arcobaleno faces Millefiore's guardians while Decimo and their siblings are fighting Byakuran. One versus them all, yet they are still losing.

Reborn stands in the sidelines, along with Yuni and the others. Meanwhile, a certain ranking Prince noticed an eerie yet comfortable familiar presence..



"Trust me, your adult version, none of them will recognized you." Gingerbread tried to convinced, though he kept uttering "Probably" in the end.

I twitched slightly, a bit angry at the doll's suggestion. I will follow Bermuda and Jager's order of the past, not the future. Sure I'll assists them, but if its something that requires my cover to be blown away..

"No." I firmly stated as he sweatdropped, sighing. "Aren't you Vindice of this time will need to capture the prisoner?" I asked, pointing at the tall man not far from here,

The doll nodded, "They'll arrive soon." He smiles, "After either side win."

I raised an eyebrow at Gingerbread's sudden frown, ".... Looks like they're arresting the escaped prisoner back, alongside Millefiore, Vongola and its allies."

"What?!" "Gao?!" I look at Gingerbread, baffled. The doll, same expression as us.


Panting, clothes ripped slightly and freshly cut bruise on my body. My animal box is fighting alongside me, same with the rest.

I glance back to the Varia and the Arcobaleno who manages to defeat the three guardians.

I glared at Byakuran who are in the same state as I am, "Give up, Byakuran." I say as my allies surrounded him.

"We won." I declared, he just smirks in return. Cue mad man laugh, "HAHAHAHAHA. Is that what you think, Primo?" He taunted,

"Primo?" Some of us uttered, confused. 'Who is he talking too?'
Yuni flinched slightly at that. Nonetheless, our attention fall back towards the laughing man,

"I still have him you know!" Smirks Byakuran slyly as he pointed towards the tall, green light man.

"GHOST, DO IT." Yelled Byakuran as he came flying towards the figure called Ghost.

"Nufufu, running away aren't we?" Smirks Daemon as he chases the flying man, along with some other who can levitate,

A sudden pang. "Wait, Daemo--" Everyone fell, laying on the ground. I followed suits, "What just..?!" Us all uttered, confused.

'Why can't I move my body?!' We all try to stand up, but instead fell again to the ground.. hard. 'As if we're being pushed down...'

"Huh?" I heard Byakuran's voice, he seems confused too. I try glancing back and noticed that Reborn and the others, sans Fuuta, are in the same state as us. 'Wait what?!' Cue Byakuran falling to the ground too, nearby.

"Oi, what did you just do?!" Yelled G as he tries to stands up, failing. A mists starts forming in front of us, not far yet not too close.

"Oh no.." Uttered Byakuran and Fuuta, 'Eh?' The feeling of being pushed down by unknown force subside. But our bodies were too tired to stand up..

"Why are you here?!" Demanded Fuuta as he stands in front of us, glaring at the incoming presence from the mists,

"It can't be.." Uttered the Varia and the Millefiore's guardians,

"Vindice?!" Ended the Arcobaleno, including Reborn and Yuni.


Rushing fast speed towards their location, riding on Natsu's Lion Ver. back, Gingerbread on his broom, In front of me, the Vindice.. "Bermuda, Jager?!" I uttered softly,

They are not presence. I sighed, a bit relief. 'If they're here, It'll be a massacre..' But part of me is also sad, to not see them after months of being parted away.

Still on Natsu's back, I noticed Fuuta who are facing the Vindice alone. Millefiore, Vongola and its allies are laying on the ground, exhausted.

'FUUTA!' I widened my eyes at seeing him being choked by one of the Vindice member.

"Release him!" I growled, exposing my presence as I came charging towards the Vindice. The one who choked Fuuta had released him and defended himself from my kick.

I glared at them behind my bangs, eyes slowly turning into orange hue with black sparks. They glanced towards one another and nodded slowly. "Tsuna!" Yelled Fuuta and the others,

I noticed the chains who are going to bound me. "Natsu."

"GAO" A wave of sky flame melts the chains easily. He growls angrily at them, besides me. I land on the ground gracefully, Fuuta stands up, and is besides me.

I glared at them all, 'I don't recognized them....' I noted to myself as Gingerbread came flying around us three,

"Stop stop!" He pouts, the Vindice ceased their battle stance. "Alejandro's doll.." They nodded, recognizing the doll.

"On whose order was it." I demanded with authority.


'' I watched Tsuna, Fuuta, Natsu and the cosplay boy, in front of us and facing the Vindice, grim reapers.

"Hime-sama/Tsuna/Tsunayoshi/-kun/-chan/Herbivore..?!" I heard them all uttered, confused.

"Tsuna.." I say, earning her attention as she glance back to me and smile softly, Her eyes is...

She glanced back towards the grim reapers, murderous aura starts pouring out from her. The aura will sent even Alaude, Hibari, Xanxus and Reborn, flinching.

The grim reapers looks intimidated by her, they bowed down with respect after the wizard says something about "She's the Principessa you know." And so on.

'Huh?' I don't know what's going on, nor the rest of us, but we all knew.. that after we recovered, Reborn will interrogate her.. So many questions needed to be answer after all.


I released some of my murderous aura, a bit pissed about my target's condition.

"Checkerface.." they say, Fuuta raised an eyebrow at that. I stayed silent instead and sighed.

Walking towards Ghost, who are standing still, waiting for orders from the fallen Byakuran. "It was this thing you want, isn't it?"

"Yes, along with Millefiore and Vongola t--" before they ended their sentence, Ghost came crashing to the ground, legs have been cut.

Side glancing back towards them, showing one shining eyes as the other one are covered by my bangs, "Done."

"....." They nodded back, bowing slightly in respect, as some of them came retrieving the Ghost's body and some towards Millefiore and Vongola and its allies.

"Who says you can arrest them?" I say softly, not moving from my spot. Fuuta stands in front of Vongola, Natsu in front of Varia and the rest while Gingerbread floats in front of Millefiore.

"Do I need to repeat myself?"
"... yes, Principessa." They bowed in respect, disappearing from the area along with Ghost.

"...... Tsuna." Giotto, Varia and my classmates utters, confused. The rest have the same expression as them all.

I sighed, "You got a lot of explanation to answer, Tsuna." Glared Reborn under his fedora.

I scoffs inwardly, "Irie Shoichi." I called out, the said man flinched. "Y.. Yes.. Tsuna-san..?!"

"Do your thing."

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