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Days had gone by, the Vindice still haven't replied back. They're busy with their own missions.

'Who managed to escape though..?' I thought to myself as I watch the sky through the window at my home.

Back in Vindice, I weren't allowed to enter their.. prison. Thus, knowing nothing who occupied there except those who I captured them myself.

The past few days had gone by by Alaude kept fighting with Giotto. The blond managed to stay on par with the other blond but he still lost.

Like always, I kept sending the information, knowing that they won't reply. 'I got nothing to do..' I return back to my bed and lay on it.

It seems like our school's student were being targetted at.. they told us to stay at home for a few days but it kept occuring. Students gets beaten up and were sent to the hospitals.

The prefect's underlings already went to search for the problems, though they get beaten up which pissed the duo prefect very much.

'Either those two or the Vongola will solve this so its none of my concern..' I blinked. Wait, it does. I could get more information that way.

So I left, to the hospital. Remembering that Kyoko's brother also gets beatened up and thought of using it as an excuse to see Kyoko and his brother's condition.


After leaving my home, I could already feel the raven's presence. I ignored it of course, calling him out will raise suspicions as to why I could detect him.

I walk towards Namimori hospitals. This time, I didn't get lost. Walking inside, I could see Namimori students there, scared of going out.

"Herbivore." The raven decided to show himself and stand next to me, "Why you leave your house."

I raised an eyebrow at this, "Why can't I..?"

"You'll get attacked by them.." He stares at me. 'Is he..?'

"Are you worried about me, senpai?" To the point of watching over me back in the house. He blinked, noticing. He looks away immediatelly,

"Nonsense." He walks away, ears red.

"....?" I watched him left but I could still feel him following me towards a room.

Inside, the Vongola, my classmates and another man I don't know is inside.

"Who is she?" Asked the man, sitting on the chair.

"My classmate Tsuna-chan, Knuckle." Replies Kyoko as she walks up to me, "Tsuna-chan meet my cousin, Knuckle!" I nodded,

"Why are you here, Tsuna?" Giotto walks up to me, "D.. did you get hurt..?!" Looking worried. I nodded, assuring him that I'm fine.

"Tsuna! This is bad, Ryohei gets attacked!" Informed Yamamoto, looking concern. 'Whose Ryohei? Ah.. Kyoko's brother.. the one from different class as ours..'

I watched the white hair boy, sleeping on the bed, all bruised up. 'He looks in pain..'

"Alright then, dame-Giotto." Reborn says suddenly, he was standing near the door,

"What is it, Reborn?"

"We'll chase down those who attacked our school." He smirks, Giotto paled.

I watch from the sidelines. 'Should I come..' I thought to myself. Reborn pulled Giotto outside, G, Lampo, Knuckle, and Asari followed suits.



Standing outside the door, I patiently wait until the brunette herbivore finished her business. But instead of her, those herbivore and that carnivore teacher walks out.

They sense me, "We're going to pursude the attackers. Wanna come?" Reborn-sensei asked, Smirking,

I shook my head. "I got other stuff to do." Like watching over a certain brunette herbivore.

I leave, informing, "My brother already left to catch the herbivores."


"Nufufufu, when will Decimo come out~" Daemon-nii-sama laughed, looking at the time.

"Kufufufu, they'll be here soon, dear brother." Answered Mukuro-nii-sama.

I watched them laughing their signature laughs.

'.... am I adopted?'

Parallel World : KatekyoHitmanRebornWhere stories live. Discover now