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"Ouch!!!" I feel and hit my head on something hard. I open my eyes and it was pitch black. "Wha.. where am I?"

"Giotto!!" G's screaming voice could be heard, "Dame-Giotto!!" Alongside Reborn.

"Over here!!!" I scream as I try to move. The place is... too narrow. Then, I could feel something move and a light enters.

"Wha..??" "GIOTTO!" G scream, worried as heck. I sit up and look around, "Where are we?"

"Dame-Giotto is that.. a coffin?" Us two blinked in confusion, then we see below.

"MIO DIO WHAT--" I paled, getting away from it. Something like that.. and I was inside it.. wha??

"Reborn." A voice calls out. We look towards the tree and saw a woman, sitting on it, "Lal." Reborn nodded and the woman landed on the ground gracefully.

"Who?" The said girl glared at me and G, "Come with me before they find us." She walks away, scouting the area,

"Who?" Reborn asked as he follows the girl. We join too since we don't know where we are.

"To our base."


It was turning to dusk, we decided to camp. Me and G were told to search for branches for a campfire so we do as we're told, while Reborn interogatte Lal.

"But where are we.." I asked for the nth time. Lal had already explained that we're in a forest, near namimori and that we're in the future, ten years from our period. Sounds surprising, even G is uttering UMAs and whatnot.

When we search for the woods however, I feel somewhat.. alarmed. "Hey Giotto, I think we found enou--" I quickly covered his mouth with my hand and lowered ourself, staying hidden behind the bushes.

There, two robot, the same robot which Tsuna was trapped into, passed us by. "What?!" G gasp. I watched the two, they looked like they were patroling..

Unfortunately, I stepped on the branches we were holding and fell while he hide ourselves, making the mosca turn towards us.



"So you were saying thay in this time period, Vongola and its allies are being targetted and eliminated?" I raised an eyebrow at that, Lal nodded.

"Including us arcobaleno." She informed, "We're all currently inside the HQ, hiding. Gianinni is there too, alongside some of the guardian's siblings.

"And Giotto and his guardians are dead?" Lal nods slowly. I shadowed my eyes.

"--born--!!!" A faniliar scream was heard, I stand up and so does Lal, "What's wrong?"

I raised an eyebrow, there's a mosca running after them. "Dammit those two.." Lal curses as she took out a box,

"Hmn?" She lit it up with her rain flames and came out a weapon. She dashed and hit the Mosca with it, it got thrown away slightly.

Giotto and G pants, "what did you do, dame-Giotto?" They paled, "It just.. attacked us and we.."

"Dammit!!" Lal curses again as she attacks the Mosca, it endured and attacks back. I sighed, "Help her out, Giotto." "Eh?" A gun's shoot was heard.



"What was that sound, de gozaru?" Stranded in an unknown forest, I was about to scout the area when I heard a gun's shoot.

'Should I?' I run towards it.


"Extreme?!" The sound of the gun's shots alarmed me. I remembered being confront by an unknown guy and the next thing I knew was in this place..

I followed where the sound cames from.


"Ve?!" I look around, scared. "That sound.. Reborn's gun?" Having threatened by the said guy multiple times, I recognized the sound.

I sighed as I run towards the source, "I was about to sleep though.."


"Nufufufu.." I stabbed the Mosca with my sceptre as the Skylark chains it with his handcuffs.

After arriving here, I encountered Alaude who are the same as I am, confused. This place feels weird, like we're not suppossed to be here.. to exist just yet.

This one mosca, destroying it needed the two of us. Although it was a bit hard, I'd must say, but we managed to destroy it.

A gun shot was heard, we glance at each other. We then dashed towards the sound.


I kicked the Mosca, it grabbed my leg and throwed me aside. I fly and comes back, punching it with my flames. G assists in attacking him from long ranged, with his bow. Lal helped me attacking the mosca in close combat.

There were two of them, we had to keep ourself in guard. Even if its three against two, we're in a disadvantage. Reborn on the other hand, is watching from the sidelines.

'At least help, will you.' I sighed as I throw another punch. "Giotto/Sawada!!" I look around and saw Asari and Knuckle,

"Guys!!" Seeing the mosca, Asari took out his swords and helps in attacking it. Knuckle punches it, destroying an arm.

"Woah, was that a mosca?" Asked Asari, surprised. I nods and throw another kick. The other arms fell.

G shot the injured Mosca and manages to hit its core, sending it stumbling. Lal throws a kick, destroying it.

"One down, one to go." We nods. Caught surprised because of our attention fells on that one mosca, the other mosca manages to sneak behind me.

"Vongola!!" Lampo's voice could be heard, it got electrocuted by Lampo's power, sending it stumbling away.

"Nufufu~" "Hn." The two, stabbed the mosca in its core, it fell and shut down.

"Guys..." I sighed in relief, knowing that everyone is safe. 'Wait why are they here again?!'

Reborn asked, "How did you get here?"

"A weird guy.. bazooka.. that's all I remember, arcobaleno." Daemon informs, the other nods, agreeing.

"Oi." We all look at Lal, "We should get going.. they found us already."




"....." The bazooka was blasted towards us three. We ended up inside a forest.

"Where are we?" Fuuta looks around, "looks like Namimori's forest but.."

"Gao!!" Natsu growls at a Mosca who noticed us.

I stare at it. "Destroy it, Fuuta." Somehow, it feels like its watching us.. no, the person behind it is..

Fuuta did as what I told, he activated his sun flame and easily destroyed it from a distance. Sending a ray of flames towards it which grew upon contacts.

I trained him during Vindice day. He was never a sport type person, but his attacks are as strong as his healings.

It got burned down. I walk towards it and sees a small hidden camera on its eyes. "... Natsu." Natsu Gao'd and crunch the camera with its fangs.

"....." we leave the area.


"Tsunayoshi-kun~... no, Tsunayoshi-chan?"

Parallel World : KatekyoHitmanRebornWhere stories live. Discover now