Reading texts

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Taylor's POV.

Days passed, I had promised myself not to cry for him. He literally humilated me in front of Mathew and Ed, how can he make me remember everything we had in front of everyone, why couldnt he tell me when we were together? I remember the dream, I just didnt know I was talking during it.

In the dream, he was lost, I was in some kind of crowd trying to find him, I was running in every direction, crying, at last he was in front of me. Wounded. Bleading. I ran in to his arms and cried. He asked me if I was alright and my answer was asking him to promise me never to leave me, he did. I promised to stay with him forever and love him forever. After waking up it was only a dream to me, but words that Harry heard really changed him.

I wish I could see the video once, I wish I could delete it. What we shared was for us and only us, why to mention it in front of others? Why to show others that how good of a person he is, how much he cares and loves me and show me as a slutty bitch who dumped him. I didnt try to contact Mathew again, and I am glad he didnt himself, I need sometime alone and then I will apologize for everything that happened. How much jealous can Harry be? I am sure whatever Mathew said about my eyes and smile and knowing things behind them was all just to give me a hand in my own game, he never meant any of those cheesy dialogues.

To Ed, well I am spending time with him, he is a constant support, he makes me smile, forces me to eat, sings with me, help me in writing and never mention him. Never. He is been living in my tour bus since long now, because I really need him in these days.

"Ed" I called him sitting on my bed.

"Yea " he entered and moved my curtain busy texting.

"what are you doing? I am bored" I whined.

"You always are. I was just texting. I was coming to ask you if you need something more to eat? we are stopping at a shop?" he asked and I nodded.

"What? Tell Fast Taylor?" He sat on the bed.

"Ice cream of course"

"You have to start eating something else too"

"I do eat something else too, you feed me everyday. bring some treats for meredith too"

"sure" he smiled and left the bed and I heard the bus door open and close, signaling me he left.

I got busy in my journal again until something vibrated on the bed. I looked around and found my mobile. But it has nothing new. Then it vibrated again and I realized its Ed's mobile phone, he might have left it, I picked it up and it vibrated again. What? Maybe its urgent because someone is continuosly texting? It might be. Ed would never mind me reading his texts I am sure about that.

I opened the texts and there were 5 new texts by the time the conversation opened with Niall. Niall Horan. Fuck why did I?

Curious person I am, I saw Harry's name and there was something in me that told me I should read it, and there was a bad feeling that told me to put the mobile down. Curious persom I am, I decided to read it, I scrolled up to where the messages started.

From: Niall

Hey man, great news. Your idea worked.

To: Niall

What is it? Any improvements??? xD Thank you for help xD


Well I took Harry out to club, and it was great.

From: Niall

and then he got drunk like really really drunk, and I was well drunk too so I couldnt really control him, he danced more than he should and he did stuff more than he should.

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