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Taylor's POV

Just for the record, Harry styles live in uk, nowadays he should be in Ireland for his tour. And here he is standing in front of me in LA, I mean why would he be here? Maybe, Kimberly? Yea he's probably here to meet her.

Kimberly was the main reason I didn't attend his calls yesterday. I mean he has moved on that's why he slept with her, the tabloids are writing about them everywhere, I mean the new couple is everywhere. Of course I want to know why I called, what did we talk about? I mean for hours? And hours? It wasn't even possible to talk for so many hours? Why would he talk to me after being with someone else? This man has to answer so many questions of mine.

Right now looking at him feels......awkward. I mean his eyes aren't soft as before or angry as times. It's just blank, like he doesn't know me, maybe he still didn't recognize me? Of course he did if a fan can then he can too.

"Hey" I spoke first and he realized we were staring in to each others eyes. He turned his face, facing the elevators door now.

He didn't respond.

"Harry?" I spoke again thinking maybe he didn't hear me the first time.

No response. Maybe he's pissed about me pushing him this way? Oh yeah he asked me first what the fuck was I doing, I should respond. The elevator was still going up we were at 2nd floor, I had pressed 5th and 6th in hurry.

"Actually there was a fan, and I didn't want anyone to know about me being here so I kinda ran you know, just so I don't have to meet anyone" I smiled at the end looking at him. BLANK. nothing, no smile, no expressions, no anger, or love or hate. I mean we should be good if we talked on phone for so long and then he called me twice. Even if he has moved on, can't we be friends? Or at least talk in awkward conditions like this?

I forgot, lost in my thoughts that I was in the elevator with him until it stopped at 5th floor, the doors opened. The corridor was empty.

I turned to look at him again, and his face turned towards me, a light, really light plastered on his lips before he turned again and walked out.

It wasn't just a smile, it was an evil smile. Him proving me he's ignoring me. I saw him walking towards the other elevator and pressing the button to go to ground floor again. Slowly the door closed again and I was on my own floor.

I saw the number on the key and started to walk towards my room. After throwing my handbags on couch, I jumped on my bed, straight laying thinking about what just happened. And why?

He didn't reply to anything I said ?? He was harry like? I couldn't help but doubt the fact so I got up and called the receptionist.

After about an hour of begging and later offering him money, he told me Harry was on the same floor. Room a little far from mine.

I decided to go out there and knock but nothing. He must be out.

I took a seat at the ground in front f his door. I can wait for him right?

After about another two hours while I was busy playing fruit ninja, I heard the similar footsteps. He's gonna think I am insane right? He won't like it.

Can I run now? Or there's no chance?

Yea there was no chance. Harry was standing in front of me yet again.

(A/n second update :D I am sleeping now and whenever I wake up I will start writing again :) I hope you enjoy. Comment and vote?

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