Starting the discussion

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Taylor's pov.

"you cannot leave Harry" i told him without waiting for a reply.

"i am sorry. I have to" he didnt meet my eyes.

Ed was standing behind me by now.

"but we have things to discuss"

"i have nothing much"

"you promised me" i reminded in a weak voice.

"ed why dont you tell him to stay?" i turned towards my best friend this time who had supported me every time.

"its his choice Taylor. He wont stay for me"

"what is wrong with you guys?? Did you two have a fight?" i asked looking at both.

"NO" Ed replied the same second.

"okay?" I asked because his tone was weird.

"look Taylor, i really have to go. i loved today. i really did. Thank you for this and the song. I will miss you" harry told me picking his luggage in his hand.

"i am not letting you leave without a reason!!"

"i miss Niall. i want to be with him"

i laughed. I actually laughed on his reply.

"you guys discuss i will be in the kitchen" Ed said And left us.

"Ed come back here" i called him back while Harry shook his head as if I am making a big deal out of nothing. Well maybe I am?

"i am tired Taylor. Resolve your stuff so I can sleep on my bed" Ed yelled back.

I realized he must be tired. Then he has a injury too. I wonder how he got a bump on forehead? He cares so much about my sleep and health and here I am fighting with Harry around his bed.

"lets go to my bed Harry?" i asked and he sighed.

"fine go. Dont ever come back. One minute your the perfect person and the other youre acting like you hate me. Just go" I told him and started taking steps towards my back area.

"Ed you can sleep we are done" i yelled while opening my curtain so Ed could sleep too.

I jumped on my bed after closing the curtain, i was laying on my stomach when the curtain opened.

"you know and I know that we can never be done" he whispered sitting on the bed beside me.

I didnt reply.

He placed his hand on my back, shaking me a little.

"look lets finish this for once. i am sure we can not work out" he spoke again making me jump and sit on the bed.

"we cannot work out?? So why didnt you leave yesterday? What the discussion was suppose to be about?? I mean what do we need to do with each other if we never want us to workout?"

"i thought we could work at first but i changed my mind today"

"i still think we can Harry. I really do" i whispered.

He moved to sit beside me, he took my hand in his and started.

"i know this time would be the hardest for both of us. I just dont wanna start something thts gonna end again"

"why do you think it will end??"

"i have issues" he stated.

"what issues?"

"you wont like to hear those

""i want to. What ever it is. We can solve." i insisted.

"i dont want you to be around Ed anymore if you want to make something from us"

(A/n I wrote this on my mobile in college so yea it's not edited. There are a lot of mistakes. Vote and comment for next update :))

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