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Taylor's POV.

When Ed handled me back my mobile, I knew from his expressions that there was something wrong, I didn't expect this, I called harry myself and talked to him for hours, and hours. What was I thinking? Whatever happened I don't care, m not ready to hurt him or get hurt myself again.

"I need sometime alone Ed, I really do" I told Ed while he was forcing me to get out of my bed.

" How much more alone, every day ure the same since months"

"I think I will go and spend the whole day in my LA home"

"Taylor, we have a concert tomorrow night" he reminded me, it was still early hours of dawn. And the concert was the next day

"I know I will be there myself"

"Are you sure you would be fine?" He asked.

"Ed I am 23, of course I will be fine. I am not mentally sick" I was annoyed.

"Yes I left you alone for some hours cuz I was sleeping and you ended up emptying the fridge drinking every type of alcoholic drink I ever brought. Oh of course you will be fine"

"I won't drink aGain" I promised noticing his concern.

He pulled me in to a hug and his hugs were the second best after Harry. Ed's were warm and friendly, supporting every part of me, telling me I am protected. Harry's were somehow different yet same, they were full of love, every hug had another feeling a new one, sometimes we were hugging just for the sake of touch and sometimes before a goodbye, every bit of feeling was deep, every hug was new with him. I miss it, I miss him, I miss his hugs and kisses, the touch.

"Taylor? Taylorrrr" Ed called me away from my thoughts.


"Were you even listening?" He said still rubbing my back.

"No , sorry" I feel so guilty sometimes for not being myself with him, this tour was suppose to be fun for us but one relation of mine ruined it all.

"I said call me if you need anything okay?" He pulled back looking at me this time and I nodded, being thankful.

I took a short flight to LA later that night, it was still hell tiring and depressing I had nothing to think except Harry.

I took a taxi for going home, I am excited to live in that even if its for one night, at least I will be on my own in my home relaxing.

During the cab ride, I was just busy listening to songs with my eyes closed until it stopped, I opened my eyes and looked around, we weren't home yet.

"What?" I asked my driver pausing the songs.

"I think the tire is flat mam, let me check" he said tht and left me alone in car, after I saw him working for five minutes he opened the door and informed me it will take another two hours for him to fix it.

"Fuck my life" I muttered under my breathe after taking my handbag and getting out the car.

"I will just find some hotel nearby and stay there" I informed him, he insisted it would be dangerous but for a day I don't care. Even if it makes headlines that a man tried to raped Taylor near LAX airport I won't complain.

I took a scarf from my bag and wrapped my face with it, trying my best to be unrecognizable, I started the long walk to a hotel. It wasn't so vip but at least was empty and nearest I could find to the airport.

The man on the reception didn't recognize me and gave me the keys to my room, I guess there are still keys for the rooms in some hotels, from years all I get is a card.

I asked him the directions and he told me its on the top floor that is 6th. I smiled at him and walked through the congested but clean hallway. I looked right and left deciding which elevator would be shorter to my room, I mean I am tired so some steps do matter to me, plus I have nothing to change in to, all my luggage is in the car. How depressing my life is? While complaining I pressed the buttons of both elevators. I will choose the one that comes first.

The right one opened first and I walked towards it, as I was about to enter someone screamed from the back "TAYLOR TAYLOR" and I knew its a fan. There was a man inside the elevator and I didn't let him go out, I pushed him inside and pressed all the buttons just so the elevator closes. I cannot handle any fan now I am sure I will start crying.

"What the fuck" the man spoke behind me, as the elevator door closed.

I knew this voice. Really well.

I crossed my fingers and turned around to find the man I was running away from.

Harry, Harry styles.

"What the fuck is wrong with you" he yelled again, pulling his hair. I am sure he didn't recognize me yet.

And he did, his eyes met mine and were wide open.

(A/n I know it's a short update but I promise I will update again in some hours, and then I will keep writing just to make up for yesterday. And then it's weekend :D so yea I am sorrrrrryyyyy do vote and comment)

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