Obsessed with my girlfriend

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Harry's POV.

I woke up, after I don't know how many hours honestly, but my back hurts.

I groaned while I tried to move, I struggled to pull myself up.

I turned to look at her, sitting beside me, just staring at me. Her eyes were puffy, red, glossy.

Bam. Now I remember how I slept.

GEMMA IS PREGNANT! My inner voice yelled at me.

"How long did I sleep for?" I asked getting up, my voice cold. I didn't even want to look at her.

"5 hours" she answered.

"K" I looked around to find my keys and mobile phone.

"Do you need something?" Her voice was warm, almost melting my anger,

"My mobile phone?"

"It's still in your suite remember?"

"Yea, totally forgot" I shook my head, it feels like that happened days ago.

"Your mom was calling to tell u that, I received so she had to tell me first. Then she realized it wasn't a good idea to tell you on phone and she told me she had sent a text so I was deleting it when you came. She told me I had a day to tell u, I was just gathering the courage....." She explained everything while I was wearing my boots, it's like she was planning to form her words from hours.

But I didn't care, I didn't respond.

"Harry you're listening to me right?" She asked after some silence.

"Harry please don't do this" her voice cracked.

"Do what? And I swear if even a single tear slipped out of your eye I will walk away and never return" I raised my voice.

Didn't help, a tear did escape.

Why does she cry so much? All the time? I feel so vulnerable in condition like these! It's my sister I should be moaning not her!!

I tried my best to avoid her. I didn't even look in her condition.

"I am sorry, I promise no more tears just talk to me" she begged, her voice better and strong.

"What do you want to talk about? How you hided? How you told everyone before me? How you made me feel like a fool? How you made me feel like I did something wrong? How you fucked my mind inviting Ed? Telling me you miss him being with me? Or how you scared the shit out of me when I asked who is pregnant?"

"Harry it was all for your own good, you know I couldn't tell you alone, I am sorry "

"Not now, I have to go"

"At least look at me" she begged from behind as I left the room.

As soon as I entered everyone stood up, to my surprise Ed was there.

"Harry" Taylor called me.

"I am leaving, I don't know if ill be back, my family needs me lads, just talk to management someone please" I told looking at the three boys from my band, yea of course ignoring Louis.

"Give me a minute, ill just grab my stuff" Taylor told me from behind.

"You're not coming with me" I didn't turn.

"Yes I am"

"No you're staying here. I am going alone"

"Harry you should take her" Louis's voice reached my ear.


"You would definitely need her, and your family too"

"Do you think right now I need anyone to interfere in my life?" I remarked harshly.

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