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Taylor's POV

I opened my eyes to find the sun shining inside the tiny room of my bus. I closed them again, holding my pounding head with one hand I realized I had my mobile attached to my ear in second. I tried getting up but it was hard. The bus was at the stop, I tried to call Ed but no one came, maybe he's sleeping. Seconds later my driver pulled the curtain to one side.

"Miss Ed Sir went to the shop to buy food" he informed me, maybe he heard my callings.

"Ask him to bring some painkillers I don't feel well"

"sure i will inform him now" my driver replied and disappeared behind the curtain.

i didnt realize I was sleeping until Eds voice woke me up.

"i am sorry, i just closed my eyes and didnt realize when i slept" i explained trying to sit up, but my body wasnt allowing me to, seeing me in this condition Ed threw the shopper bag he had in hand on the bed and came to my side, trying to help me in sitting up.

"what did you do with yourself???" he asked being angry. still holding me from my shoulders. Even though i was sitting comfortably on th bed he decided to still hold them sitting beside me.

"i think i drank much more then I should, hangover i guess"

"oh my gawd you must be kidding me. You finished all those bottles??? You literally emptied the fridge??" he yelled leaving my shoulders to sit in front of me and have a closer look of my face.

"Kinda" I whispered, why would he scold me for drinking when al he does is drink.

"FOR GODS SAKE TAYLOR, what are you doing with yourself? Fuck. Take this medicine now" he yelled again and moved to open the shopper bag, he took some pills out and handed me before getting up and bringing me glass of water.

I thanked him.

"Why Taylor?"

"I am fine Ed, it's just headache, I was bored so took one bottle and you were sleeping too so I just kept drinking" I explained honestly.

"You cried the whole night, didn't you?" He asked, I am sure my eyes are puffy.

"Not sure, but I guess I did. Can you put this on charging? It's not working and it was on my ear when I woke up" I handled him my iPhone.

"So you were crying and on phone? Do you remember anything else?"

"Nope. But it's scary, most probably it would be Selena or my mom. Please charge it so I can see"

"You should sleep more, I will check the phone don't worry" he assured me and left me alone and yes I did sleep again.

Ed's POV.

I don't know why but taylor doesn't take care of herself at all nowadays she doesn't eat much, except ice creams and now she drank so much, I never saw her drinking this much I mean I still didn't, but all my bottles were empty this morning, I imagined her emptying the bottle to keep me from drinking but drinking herself?

I put her mobile on charger and waited for it to turn on, it did.

I checked the call logs and I dropped her mobile, I did, I really did.

The last call was made to Harry. Harry? Fuck it's messed up again, I don't want it all to start yet again. I am sure taylor won't remember when she wakes up again.

I charged her mobile, it took some hours and placed it beside her before leaving the bus to relax myself, I told the driver I will join him at the arena.

I mean why would taylor and Harry have a long phone call again? How long was it again? I didn't even check it. Harry's sleeping around, taylor is gonna get hurt again and I swear this time I am not leaving Harry. He does something every time to make her feel vulnerable, intentionally or not but he does.

I never knew I would have a friend I would love so much that I cannot tolerate a tear in her eye, I would fight for her and would go to any limit for her happiness, I will support her in her worst times and be there beside her looking after her. And that's not the only good part, the good thing is she loves me back evenly, cares for me evenly and is beside me from so long.

But then there is a side of my brain, well not side, back, back of my brain. Far back of my brain hidden in all those feelings is a voice that says maybe she isn't only a friend for me anymore, maybe all these feelings aren't just friendly feelings anymore, maybe this is something more than I want it to be.

Maybe it's love?

(A/n double update but a short one, I will try to update again I promise I will try. I have assignments and college :/ it's all tiring)

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