Perfect moment.

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Harry's POV.

"I wish I could stay a little longer" I told her, laying on her bed on the tour bus, we were going to Newark and I was suppose to take a flight from there because I have a concert coming up in my tour. Ed was sleeping in his bunk.

"Me too, it's fine, I will try to visit you soon" she kissed my hand which was in hers, our bodies were so near.

"Can I kiss you?" I asked her unaware of the fact if I am allowed to.

"Umm why are you asking " she tilted her head to look at me.

"I don't know, I mean last time when I tried you stopped me"

"Do it"

"Now?" I teased.

"Yes" she whispered, her eyes fixed in mine.

"Are you sure?" I whispered back getting a little closer.

"Please" she begged.

"What if I don't" our lips were millimetres apart.


"Tell me you want me taylor" I whispered, my lips touching hers as they move, but still not kissing.

"I do"

"Say it"

"I want you harry, for now and forever"

"Do you love me?" I tilted my head positioning to kiss her.

"More than anything"

"I love you too" I whispered and at last fixed my lips withe hers,

The feeling of touching them again made me overwhelmed, it was good to finally taste her. She opened her mouth a little, and my tongue slipped in.


"Harry, wake up. I have to go for rehearsals" she whispered after kissing my cheek, playing with my hair.

"Nope" I refused and turned my back to her.

"Please, you have a flight to catch" she caressed my cheek, climbing over on my side to look at me.

"Nope. Let me sleep"

"Fine I am leaving then. Stay" she said without any love or care.

"Stayyyy" I whined turning back to her.

"Will you open your eyes"

"Here you go princess" I did and saw her chuckling.

"What?" I snapped.

"It's good to wake up to you again, to kiss you the first thing. Thank you for having me back"

"Thank you for being mine again" I got up to kiss her forehead .

I can't believe how good last night was, no words honestly.

We changed our clothes, and walked towards the kitchen together, Ed was sitting on one of the booths.

"Good morning" Taylor greeted him excitedly, trying her best to make him forget yesterday. I know she feels guilty, she thinks I shouldn't have forced him to confess his feelings in front of us. I don't know what to think about tht, I don't know If I was wrong, or if I should be pissed at Ed.

"Thanks" Ed tried to fake a smile.

Taylor left my hand and forwarded towards him, giving him a small peck at cheeks and then pulling him in to a awkward hug because she was standing.

Ed's eyes met mine right after she pulled back, trying to search if it bothered me. Of course it did. But he is my best mate and I know for sure, he won't ever try to steal her. I am sure he will work on changing his feelings.

"What are your plans for today?" I asked him.

"Nothing much, rehearsals?"

"I am leaving in like an hour, wanna drop me to airport?" I offered him the opportunity to regain his friendship with me.

"I would love to"

"Can I join?" Taylor asked.

"Umm sure" I nodded and she smiled.

"What's for breakfast?" She turned to Ed.


"You just had beer, didn't you?" Taylor asked him, raising her voice.

"Ummm yeah"

"Since when are you awake?"

"Taylor" he tried to tell her not to start with being all care-y about him, but she didn't stop.

"You didn't sleep, or did you?"

"An hour" he gave up and said honestly looking at the table.

"How many promises did you break, count them!" She yelled at him

"Promises?" I scoffed, I mean promises about eating or sleeping? I she his mother?

"Can you stay out of this Harry.. Please?" She turned towards me, giving me a scary glare.

"Fine" I huffed.

"Yes Ed?" She turned back to him, and he was smiling... Because she scolded me ? I am killing you Ed.

"Why are you smiling???" Taylor raised her voice again.

"It's so cute how you're scolding him, I mean you know I don't think I have feelings for you when he's here, everything looks so perfect between you guys that I feel like forcing you to marry each other right now" he rambled on.

"Ed, I am talking about something else here" Taylor wasn't touched with his honest words. But I was. I can forgive him for that I know I can, I love him and I just can't afford to lose him.

"Taylor, stop scolding him, Ed don't break your promises from now onwards or you will have to sit in the punishment corner and mama won't give you candy" I teased him winking, making him laugh.

"Harrryyyyyy" Taylor whined scolding me, making us laugh more.

This moment is perfect, it's the moment I can forget ed has feelings for her, this is the moment I can forget the rough patches in my and Taylor's relation. This moment is perfect. But will it remain? I mean I am scared this time, good things never last.

Don't they say, it's a little quiet and numb before the storm and thunders?

(A/n thank you so much for all the comments on last chapter, I felt so lucky to have you all as my readers, you all telling me it was good when I needed that courage is something I can't thank you guys enough for, one of you asked what was wrong with me....I just miss the city, I use to live in, I miss my friends and school, I cane back to mine last month. Thank you for everything :))

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