03. transgender

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The walk to school was like any other day.

He would have to walk past the guys in his school.

And like every other day he never walked fast enough.

It was like they were scanning the streets in order to pick on him.

As usual he was the first to call on him.

He tried getting away but was shoved by one of his friends.

They all looked at him with disgust in their eyes.

"Where does the fag think he's going?" He asked.

They cornered him to a wall and he had no choice but to stay.

"How many times do I have to tell you that I'm not a fag." he said, the word rolling off of his tounge.

"Because you are. I see the way you look at us guys in the locker rooms. You're a fucking freak." He said.

He should already be used to it. But every single time the cruel words stung him like a bee.

He knew that he was wrong. He might've liked guys and is a girl but that didn't make him any less than him.

"You're a little fag and you're going to rot in hell with all the other abominations." He said.

He couldn't take it anymore. He didn't let his words define him but when he started insulting other people he went crazy.

"You know what screw you. You're a piece of scum, stooping so low as to pick on other people just because they aren't like you. It's not our fault that we were born differently from you." He said, shoving his way past the guys.

He exhaled, knowing that they would try to get him .

So he ran.

He ran as fast as his legs would take him not even checking if they were following him.

Eventually he had to stop in order to take a breath.

He repeated the names they called him with every beat of his heart.

Faggot. Gay. Freak. Monster. Abomination.

It's was a never ending viscous cycle and he had to stop himself from getting tugged into the world of hate.

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