23. transgender

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a u t h o r s  n o t e
I've skipped time so we can get further into Julianna's life so this chapter takes place 2 months after chapter 22. Also don't forget that he is her teacher and he is also "you" from best friend.

She woke up the next morning, her heart beating in her chest.

The previous night she had to sneak into her house because she left his house too late.

It's been two months since she told Dantes parents and she's so happy that she can be open with them.

Getting up from her bed she walked downstairs to her kitchen to get a snack to eat.

Her parents were both at the dining room table drinking coffee silently.

"Buenos dias. " she said, drinking the milk from the carton.

"Hola hijo." Her dad said.

She shrugged ignoring the fact that they seemed tense.

"Hola pa. ¿Mama que haces hoy?" She aksed, putting a bagel in the toaster.

Both of her parents stayed quiet, not wanting to look at her.

She was confused and tried asking them what was wrong but they merely ignored her.

She went up to her room with her food, wondering why her parents were acting weird.

She looked at the time, cursing at herself because she woke up late.

She quickly got changed and basically inhaled her breakfast and ran to her car, not bothering to say bye to her parents.

When she left her house she called him, needing to hear his voice.

"Hey babe what's up?" He asked and his voice put her at ease.

"Nothing my parents were just acting really odd this morning. I'm on my way to school." She said, focusing on her driving.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked.

"Not really. I don't want to go to school today." She sighed.

"We could just skip you know." He suggested.

"I don't know babe. But I really need to focus on classes since it is our last year." She said, pulling into the schools parking lot.

"Okay Jules. If you don't feel good in the middle of class just call me and I'll take you somewhere." He said, hanging up the phone.

She quickly got out of her car, got her stuff and walked inside.

She was hoping that she could go see him for advice.

He was a great teacher who was always there for her no matter what and she didn't want to bother Dante with her problems.

She walked into his class, happy to see that he was alone.

"Hey Mr. I hope you're not busy with anything." She said, sitting at one of the nearby desks.

"No I'm free right now. What's on your mind Julian?" He asked and she flinched at hearing her "real" name. She's been so used to Dante calling her Julianna for months that it sounded unfamiliar to her.

"I'm trans." She said, not afraid of showing who she truly was anymore.

"Oh that's great. So what's wrong? Is there something home?" He asked, concerned knowing how traditional her parents were.

"No they have no idea but they were acting very weird to me this morning and I'm worried that they may have found out. I've been open about being trans with Dante for six months now and I can't come out to my parents yet." She said, frustrated that it had to be that way.

"Don't worry about it yet okay. They're probably just having a bad day. For now just focus on your relationship with Dante and school. Eventually you will have to tell them but you have a while to tell them. I don't want you to be on the streets or in an unsafe environment okay?" He said, giving her a hug.

"How did you know that Dante and I..." she asked, confused as to how even he knew.

"It's pretty obvious in my eyes. I was unaware of love when I was a teenager but now I can see right through it. But to others you guys look like best friends so there's nothing to worry about." He said, a solemn look on his face.

"Okay well thank you for the help. It really means a lot." She said, picking up her stuff to get to class.

"No problem. Come to me if you need any more advice." He said, a friendly smile on his face.

Before she left he stopped her asking what he should call her.

"Julianna." She said, loving the sound of her name.

She walked out of his classroom, relieved.

But she still couldn't shake her parents faces out of her head. Maybe ditching school didn't sound like a bad idea.

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