14. transgender

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He woke up to itchy sheets and blaring lights.

His whole body felt like it wasn't apart of him.

He could barely breathe.

Strangers were surrounding him and looking at his every move.

He couldn't stop blinking from the blinding lights.

Finally he saw his mom and dad who came rushing to his side.

The rest of the doctors left the room, giving them some privacy.

"Mi hijo ¿estás bien? ¿quien te hizo esto?" His mom asked.

His moms eyes were puffy from crying and she looked like she hadn't slept in days.

"Sí, yo estoy bien mamá. Todo lo que acaba duele." He said as he cowered from his father.

"Tú estúpido. who beat you up? I want to know their names so don't try to lie to me." His dad explained.

He closed his eyes as he tried to remember what the guys who beat him up look like. All he could remember was seeing his face before blacking out.

"I don't remember dad. The main one doesn't go to my school. He just likes to pick on me sometimes. His other friends deciding to gang up on me." He sighed.

His dad rubbed his face, walking out of the room.

"Mom how long have I been out?" He asked.

"Julian you've been out for three days. You woke up a couple of times but the doctors told us to let your body get rest. You scared me so much. Why did those guys beat you up hijo?" His mom cried.

He didn't want to lie to his mom but he didn't know how to say oh these guys think I'm gay so they beat me up.

"I don't know mama. They've picked on my before but it's never gone this far." He lied.

"You need to learn to be a man and stand up for yourself son. Men don't let people push them around." His dad said.

He looked down in shame because everyone knew that he wasn't a man. He would never be able to do manly things. To them he was still a boy. But to him he was a girl.

He closed his eyes for a second, thinking about wandering off to sleep when his mom put something on his lap.

It was a space styled metal box. His mom said that some guy came to visit him but no one would let him in so he dropped it off with his mom.

Inside was various candies, some movies and even a letter. A small smile was drawn on his face but he made sure that his dad didn't see it.

He actually came by and dropped this off for him. No one had ever done such a nice thing for him.

He imagined those brown eyes looking up at him and his cute dimples showing up on his face.

Slowly a blush started to mask his face so he quickly asked his parents to exit the room as he read his letter.

[Hey Julian. It's me, the guy who was with you during club. I just wanted to give you some things that hopefully make you feel better. Call me when you get better.] It read. Below the letter was his number.

He couldn't believe that he actually gave him his number.

His vision started getting blurry and he slowly fell back asleep with a smile on his face.

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