12. transgender

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Friday had rolled around and he was as nervous as ever. Being the nice person he was he knew that he couldn't bail out on his teacher.

Knowing that he had a 100% chance of making a fool of himself, he read the flyer and headed off to the designated classroom.

His heart raced as he heard chaos coming from the other side of the door.

With sweaty palms he opened the door, surprised to see teens running around and making a mess.

He was sitting on the other side of the room, laughing at his students.

Before he could leave he spotted him, motioning him to come over.

He walked over without saying a word, trying to avoid all the students wandering eyes.

He proceeded to introduce him to the class.

There were about 15 students, a couple younger than him but most were older than him.

He felt insecure as all these eyes spotted out every little flaw that he hated about himself.

He hoped that none of them noticed that he was wearing mascara and a little bit of blush.

Finally someone said a joke and released all the tension in the air.

Everyone went back to talking to eachother and he sat in a chair in the far corner of the room, secluding himself from everyone else.

He was messing with his glasses when he noticed a special someone walking over to him.

He was looking great, hair styled perfectly and the cutest smile that showed his dimples.

He looked down, trying to hide his even more prominent blush. He felt embarrassed thinking back to the bathroom incident.

He made sure that his blue dress was tucked away and looked up, meeting his eyes.

When he saw him walk in the class his eyes widened and he tried hiding his smile from his friends.

He merely sat by him, not knowing how to start the conversation.

He coughed, trying to not seem as awkward as he really was.

"Um hey?" He said.

"Hi." He said.

That was all they said as they sat next to eachother, not knowing how to continue.

He called all the students over, telling them to form a circle with their chairs.

He was fine where he was but he forced him to socialize with a quick nudge.

They all just started talking about things from school to relationships, even family issues.

Two of the kids in the club were gay, another was bi.

He felt a little bit better about himself knowing that he wasn't the only one who was different.

He tried to get him to join the conversation but he was keen on just listening.

Two and a half hours went by and everyone was packing up to go home.

A part of him didn't want to leave because he was actually having a bit of fun.

"Hey so did you have any fun today?" He asked.

"Yeah I actually did. When's the next session?" He asked as he looked around for him.

"Next Friday. See you next week during class." He said, walking out of the classroom.

Someone tapped on his shoulder and he turned around to see those brown eyes staring right at him.

"Hey you never told me your name." He said with the tiniest hint of a smile on his face.

"Oh my um m- my name is Julian." He said, biting back the grimace from his stutter.

Quickly he walked away, not wanting to face him again until next week.

His name played over and over again in his head. Julian.

a u t h o r s n o t e

Sorry for these late updates guys. I'm really trying to make my chapters rather lengthy so it will take more time to write them. I really hope you guys enjoy this chapter, it might be my favorite one so far. Please don't forget to vote and comment. Also should I do a QOTD at the end of my chapters? Let me know in the comments :)

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