19. transgender

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When Dante got home his dads automatically noticed the biggest smile on his face.

"Dante why are you so happy? I haven't seen that smile ever since what happened with Kai." One of his dads said.

"Yeah pa I know. You remember that guy Julian I brought up?" Dante asked, already feeling the blush creep up his face when he thought about their kiss.

"Sí hijo. ¿Por que?" His dad asked, his heart sinking when he though about what happened with the last boy Dante had feelings for.

His dad comforted his other dad, seeing the sadness in his eyes.

"Dads I know what you're thinking. You think he's going to hurt me the way Kai hurt me but he's not papa. He is a she." Dante said, feeling happy that he can talk to his dads about anything.

"So he's trans?" One of his dads asked, surprised.

"Yes papa. He told me today after I.... after we..." Dante said, too embarrassed to finish the sentence.

"Well that's interesting. You know we support you in any way right Dante? We love you so much and we only want the best for you. But would you consider letting him, sorry her, figure out who she is before you start anything with her? It would just be more confusing for her to go through her transition while having feelings for someone else." His dads said, both of them making sure that their son understood that they were getting at.

"So you don't want me to become involved with her?" Dante asked, confused that his dads weren't happy for him.

"Yes Dante. You might like her a lot but just give her some space. We aren't saying that you shouldn't speak to her anymore but try to not flirt with her or send her mixed messages. This is probably the hardest thing she is going to have do to in her lifetime, if she even wants to transition. Don't push her or ask her questions that you think might upset her okay? This must be hard on her, finally releasing the burden of her secret on someone else but make sure that you let her know that you are there for her okay?" One of his dads said, solemn falling on his face.

He always admired the way his dads parenting was. They always made sure that they explained everything to him.

He never understood why people said that gay parents couldn't parent their children as well as a heterosexual couple. His dads were the best men he has ever known all his life.

They made sure to educate him on the LGBT community and although many gay people aren't religious, his dads felt the need to raise him on the belief of loving god, not following the church.

They were always there for him whenever he would question his sexuality.

He remembered when he first had feelings for a girl. She was in seventh grade and he was in eighth grade. She was the funniest person he knew but she never liked him back.

He was heartbroken, thinking that no one would ever love him.

But then Kai came along. Kai was one of those people that just pulled you in for the ride called life.

He was always so sweet and kind hearted, loving everyone he knew no matter what.

Dante had fallen in love with Kai so much that it hurt. But he was always too afraid to say anything.

At that time Dante thought he was bi, confused when he was attracted to both girls and guys.

One day something ticked within him and he couldn't keep it in anymore.

He told Kai everything, from the moment he knew he was in love to, the moments when he wanted to tell him.

Kai sat silently, not saying a word.

And although he didn't mean to, Kai blew up, like the pick being pulled out of a grenade.

Kai ranted on and on about how he always knew and how he didn't feel the same.

He broke Dante's heart that day, leaving left over shattered pieces that no one could glue back together.

Dante was never the same after that.

He thought it was bad being pan, thinking that no one would ever love him because of it.

He thought it was bad being attracted to an agender youtuber or that it was bad that he though of transgender people as beautiful.

So he hid his sexuality, making everyone assume that he was straight even though he has never had a girlfriend.

He mostly kept to himself, only opening up to a handful of his friends.

His dads tried their hardest to be there for him but nothing would bring back that light in his eyes.

Until now.

Now he knew that Julian felt things for him, now he knew that Julian was a girl.

And he couldn't have been happier.

Listening to his dads advice he went to his room, texting Jules to make sure he, she, was okay.

He laid down on his bed, touching the back of his neck the way Julian did when they kissed.

Reminiscing about the way Julian's lips felt on his own. The way Julian was hesitant and shy.

The way Julian's eyes were always so bright and the way his smile showed his cute dimples.

A part of Dante yearned for the feeling of Julian, heart aching at the thought of him.

a u t h o r s  n o t e

I didn't like how this chapter turned out so I might rewrite it. For now Dante is still going to use the pronouns he/him until Julian says otherwise so please don't get mad in the comments since Julian is a she not a he. Also please leave a comments about their ship name because I can't think of one. It would be

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