10. transgender

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He accidently bumped into him today.

He looked tired and worn out when he stumbled in his way.

He was going to say something to him but he ran away before he could.

He couldn't stop wondering about the blue dress.

Was it his moms? Did she pass away?

He looked so heartbroken in the stall when he saw him.

The tears pooled out of those beautiful blue eyes and in that moment he new that he had never seem such a beautiful guy in his life.

He didn't identify as gay just queer. He was demipansexual which was unusual but that's how he liked it.

The no preference seemed to freak everyone out so he kept it to himself, not because of shame but because he didn't want to have to explain it to every person he came across to.

When you see a hot guy you think of handsome but there was something about him that shouted beauty.

He let go of the idea of him knowing that they will most likely never talk again.

But there was still a little part of him that was curious of what lay behind those magnificent eyes.

A u t h o r s n o t e

if anyone is apart of the lgbtqa community please feel free to pm me. I would really like to know first hand what it's like to rn apart of such a moving community. Also if anyone was wondering I identify as demisexual.

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