22. transgender

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Julian was so content in Dante's arms.

The warmth made him smile and Dantes breaths across his neck made him shiver.

He was slowly falling asleep, the tingling feeling spreading all around his body.

The last thing he remembered was his head on Dante's lap, his fingers playing with his hair.

He swore that he heard Dante murmur something but he couldn't hear what he said.

As Jules was asleep, he bent down and whispered "I love you" so soft that he could barely hear himself.

At the moment he didn't know if he meant it 100% yet but he knew that it felt right.

His heart fluttered as he breathed in his all too familiar scent.

Jules looked so in peace that Dante couldn't bring himself to get up.

He admired the way his lips were pursed, how gorgeous his eyelashes were.

Everything about him screamed beauty.

His voice was so light, so heavenly and gentle.

Dante was drowning in the thought of Jules.

He wanted Jules to be his girlfriend, he wanted him to stay by his side forever.

Dante's phone buzzed, waking him up from his sudden daze.

His dads asked him to start cooking dinner and to clean the house so it looked nicer.

Dante gently moved Jule's head, hoping not to wake him up.

Dante cursed at how fucking cute Jules looked while cuddling a pillow.

Dante knew that Jules was going to change his life forever.

After Dante was done cooking he heard his dads car arrive in the drive way and quickly opened the door so he could tell them to stay quiet.

Jules had told him how recently he's had a hard time sleeping and Dante wanted to make sure that Jules wasn't disturbed.

When his dads got situated and made the table Dante could hear Jules stirring on the couch.

When Jules magnificent blue eyes opened, he almost fell off the couch, unaware of his surroundings.

Jules felt like slapping himself on the face when he remembered that he fell asleep on the couch.

He quickly got up and cringed when he saw what seemed like Dante's dads at the dining room table.

"Oh hey Julian. Would you like to eat?" One of Dante's dads asked.

Jules wished that this was all a dream so he could wake up and properly meet Dante's dads all over again.

"Oh uh sure Mr....?" Jules dragged on, signaling to Dante that he forgot their last name.

"Ortiz." Dante coughed, putting food on a plate for Jules.

"Mr. Ortiz. Thank you for having me over." He said, sitting at the table with them.

As they were eating Dante would unconsciously look at Julian in admiration and his dads could see the love Dante had for Julian.

"Te gusto tu cena?" One of his dads said.

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