24. transgender

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"Hey Dante I'm going to take you up in that offer."

Jules couldn't believe that it had been less than a year that she met Dante.

She remembered when she met Dante in the stall when she was crying at the beginning of the school year.

There was only 2 months of school left and she couldn't wait to leave.

Highschool wasn't the best experience for her and she wanted to explore the world with Dante.

When Jules was walking to the parking lot she noticed those guys who beat her up months ago.

They were some of the only white boys left in the school and thought they owned the place.

She tried hiding when they were smoking but she was spotted.

They slowly walked towards her, throwing ignorant slurs at her.

Too scared to do anything she slowly tried to walk away.

It was times like these when she felt the most helpless.

She wished that she could fight and stand up for herself.

Her thoughts roam to the millions of trans youth who are in her exact position.

She wanted to do something but she knew that no one would believe the weird "gay boy".

So she kept her mouth shut, walking as fast as she could.

Out of nowhere she saw Dante in the corner of her eye walking towards her.

They grabbed eachothers hands and made way for Dante's car. Jules couldn't take it anymore but she didn't have enough energy to cry.

They pulled out of the school and drove to a park near Jules house.

Without saying anything they rushed to the swings, sitting in eachothers silence.

Dante wanted to talk but he let her keep to herself. He was tired of always having to deal with douchebags and hide their relationship

Maybe that was the start.

The start of the end.

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