15. transgender

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After a couple days of hospital treatment they let him go home.

Turns out that he had a broken rib, and major bruising all around his upper body.

His parents treated him like fragile China. Making sure that he was always comfortable.

It meant a lot to him that his parents stood by his side for the entire week that he was gone from school.

The week had been hell and the only thing that made it better was when he would talk to him.

When he finally got the courage to text him he automatically tried to divert the conversation on him.

He had so many questions about what happened to him.

They were randomly talking when he asked if he could drop off his missing assignments.

He didn't want anyone but his parents to see his current condition but he  insisted that he get at least some of his work done.

He couldn't help but think about why he was putting his time into him.

He'd never been one with a lot of friends so it felt good that someone cared about him.

He sent him his address and was patiently waiting until he realized how much of a mess his house was.

He quickly tried to get everything a bit neat and made sure that his clothes didn't smell.

When he heard his doorbell ring he ran up to the door with a slight smile on his face.

He stood there looking as cute as ever with a folder in his hands.

A gray beanie masked his jet black hair and his eyes were hidden behind some sunglasses.

"Hey Jules. Is it okay if I come in?" He asked with his lip in his mouth.

He had to frain from looking at his lips for too long because it would seem weird.

"Yeah for sure. You want something to drink?" He asked.

"Nah I'm good. Where should I put your schoolwork?" He asked as he looked at the pictures on the walls.

"Just put them on the counter. How've you been?" He asked, hoping that his parents didn't walk into the living room.

"I've been good. I would ask the same but you look pretty bad as it is." He said a small laugh escaping his lips.

He looked down, trying to hide his smile.

"Is this you?" He asked, pointing to a picture of him when he graduated elementary school.

"Yeah. I was really scrawny back then. But it doesn't seem like I've changed that much." He said, noticing the awkward tension in the room.

"You look cute." He said, moving his hair out of his face.

He suddenly had an interest in his shoelaces as he looked down, trying to hide his blush.

He sat on his couch, not knowing what else to do.

He followed, sitting beside him to the point where their knees started touching.

"You have a sweet house" he said.

"Thanks. Also why did you give me that box?" He asked, the curiosity seeping into his brain.

He laughed, wiping his forehead.

"I heard about you were in the hospital so I got a couple snacks and such. I went to the hospital and asked for your room number and when I got upstairs your parents looked distraught. I knew that I wasn't allowed inside so I silently gave then the package and left." He said feeling slightly ashamed for not comforting his parents.

"Well thanks for it. It really lifted my mood when I was able to come home. I have so much to catch up on hugh?" He asked, already feeling the stress get to him.

"Yeah but your teachers heard about your.. situation that they said that they would give you more time. And hey don't worry about it. At least you don't have to wake up at 6 am everyday anymore and you get the comforts of home." He said, laughing.

They hung out for awhile and his parents never disturbed them.

It was times like these when he thought of himself as normal.

He was happy with where he was at and even though his body hurt, his heart shined.

He wondered how he would react if he knew that he was trans. Would he freak out and leave him? Would he accept him? All these these thoughts clouded his head.

When he had to leave, he stood behind the door, a huge smile on his face.

What he didn't know was that he was doing the same thing on the other side of the door.

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