21. transgender

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Hey guys. So there is a part of this chapter that had minor sexual content. If you don't feel comfortable reading it I'll make a hot of where it ends and where it starts so you can skip it. Thanks.

The time had come for Jules to go to Dante house. He felt like he was sweating bricks and his throat felt like it was closing.

Thank god his parents weren't going to be at home right away so he had time to get ready.

Dante opened his door, taking off his shoes immediately. Julian got the hint, flinching when he thought about how bad his feet must smell.

He started overthinking what he looked like, if he smelled okay, if his hair was less shaggy.

Dante noticed this and easily grabbed Jules hand and walked him to his living room.

They sat on the couch, basically face to face.

"Jules stop worrying. I can see your hands fidgeting and I don't want you to feel uncomfortable." He said.

Julian was so confused.

"You don't want me to feel uncomfortable. I'm afraid that you're uncomfortable after what I told you." said Julian as he scratched the back of his neck.

"Jules stop. I don't care that you're a girl. That doesn't change anything okay? You are Jules no matter what you identify as. Just forget about it." Dante said.

Jules exhaled. He could feel the literal and figurative weight being lifted off his chest. Being transgender has been such an important part of his life that he never thought about who he really is.

He's let his gender identity define him.

"Okay then what do you want to talk about?" Julian asked, slightly blushing.

"Who said we only had to talk?" Said Dante with the biggest smirk on his face.

Julian's face turned beet red as he let the idea of Dante kissing him slip into his mind.

"You little shit. We are not doing anything as long as I'm in your house." Said Julian, the blush traveling down to his neck.

"Okay, okay. Sorry just had to say it to break the tension." He said, chuckling to himself when he saw how flustered he got.

"Oh um uh okay." Jules said, still not looking Dante in the eyes.

"What makes you the happiest at the moment?" He asked, twirling a lock of his black hair in his hand.

Julian had to really think about what made him happy. He would say his family but he wasn't on the best terms with them lately.

The only things he could think of were music and Dante.

"Y-... " Julian almost said, stopping himself from the embarrassment. He could tell that Dante knew what he was going to say but kept it to himself.

"Music. I really love music." He said, looking down at his feet.

"That's cool. What kind of music?" He asked, continuing their hour long conversation about things that made them happy.

Julian was happy that he was so close to Dante, being able to tell him things he'd never told anyone. Without him knowing it, he was becoming more and more in love with Dante.

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