11. transgender

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hey guys so I'm introducing a new character in this book. If you have read best friend then you remember him. Since I already have a character in this book with bold I am going to use this instead. I hope this isn't confusing and you can just ignore this little side not if you'd like.


One of his teachers asked him to stay after class ended.

He was confused, seeing as how he never uttered a word to his teacher or his peers.

He noticed the unusually silent student in his presence on the first day of school.

He heard the words that were spewed at him in the hallways.

The little things like distinct silence and not giving eye contact made the teacher assume he was a extreme introvert.

But there was something different about him. Something that he couldn't pin point.

The coversating was light, no more then ten words exited the students mouth.

He felt an unknown need to involve himself in this kids life.

He had to admit that staring at his teacher made him have a flutter in his heart. He wasn't drop dead gorgeous but he had this feeling of home that radiated off of him.

A feeling that he had never experienced before.

But he knew that no one would ever go for a girl who was placed in the wrong body.

People just assumed that it was a physiological malfunction within the person.

But it was the complete opposite.

His sexual organs never matched how he felt on the inside.

How could he ever convince people that he was a girl when he still considered himself as he not she.

He snapped out of his thoughts and tried to pay attention to what his teacher was telling him.

Apparently his teacher made a club for students that needed a place to vent and express their feelings.

He already didn't like the idea but was forced to promise his teacher that he would attend to the club after school on Friday.

He hated that a couple of words could have such a toll on him that he did whatever you asked him to.

He eagerly left the classroom, exhaling from the nervousness and already over analyzing what was going to happen on Friday.

But for now he stuck with thinking about today, in hopes of not having a panic attack over tomorrow.

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