16. transgender

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After the week ended his doctors said he could go back to school, but he had to take pain meds in order for him to not feel the pain.

When he got to school no one stared at him or whispered about him as he thought they would.

Everyone just carried on with their day and he was happy about that.

He got to turn in all his late assignments and he had to do a couple quizzes and tests after school.

The entire day he was looking forward to seeing him.

He looked everywhere, but he was no where to be seen.

He slumped into his seat taking his history test.

He thought about texting him but before he could he got a message.

*Hey Jules how've you been? I looked for you today but I couldn't find you. Just wanted to see how you feel being back at school.* it said.

A small smile appeared on his face.

*I've been doing good. I'm on a lot of meds so i can't really feel the pain. Do you want to meet up at the library in an hour?* he asked, nervous when he pressed send.

*yeah sure. I'll bring some snacks. See you then* he said.

He closed his phone, finishing up his test. He was thinking about going back home to change but he was afraid that he would show up again and beat him up.

The hour passed by and he found himself sitting in the school library. There were a couple students studying in the corner but other than that the library was empty.

He looked at his phone, wondering why he was fifteen minutes late.

He was waiting for another ten minutes when he thought that he must've forgotten so he got up, getting ready to go home.

Just as he was opening the door to exit foe library he saw him running with two grocery bags in his hands.

He stopped on his tracks when he saw him.

In his head he though that he had never seen such a gorgeous person in his life.

He pretended to cough, looking down so his blush would disappear.

"Hey um sorry I'm late. I had to stop at the store on my way here and I got sidetracked. Do you want to stay here or go somewhere else?" He asked, helping him with his backpack.

"Let's go somewhere else. I'm afraid that if I even breath that they'll sush me." He said, laughing.

They walked out the school, going to the football bleachers.

He dumped all kinds of snacks on the metal bleacher.

They varied from snickers to cheetos to mini donuts.

He was going to grab the donuts when his chest started hurting. He tried to breath but a sharp pain erupted on the side of his chest.

He noticed the pain in his face, immediately touching his chest.

"Are you okay? Whats wrong?" He asked, panic covering his features.

He lazily pointed to his small pocket in his backpack.

He opened the pouch, taking out his meds.

He handed him his meds and a bottle of water.

He quickly swallowed the pills, cold water hitting his throat.

After a couple of minutes the muscle relaxed and it was easier for him to breath.

"I'm good I'm good. I just got a little muscle spasm. It happens sometimes." He said, taking a donut out of package.

"Okay. You really scared me right there. I was about to call 911." He said, grabbing the Cheetos.

They talked and talked until the sun was setting.

"I love watching the sun set. My dad and I used to watch them at the beach. I always thought that the sin set was the world's way of giving us humans a taste of real beauty." He said, admiring the amazing colors.

He looked at him, butterflies erupting in his heart.

He had the sudden urge to kiss him but held it off. What if he was a homophobe? What if he hated him forever?

Instead he said the cheesiest line known to man kind.

"The sunset is pretty but it's not as beautiful as you." He said, immediately looking at him.

His heart started racing and he felt his blush creeping up his face.

He had a sudden burst of happiness when he heard the word beautiful describing himself.

Did he know? Was it that obvious that he was girl?

He coughed, trying end the awkward silence.

"I'm sorry for saying that. It just came out I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable or ugh I don't know I'm just sorry." He blabbered.

He laughed, covering his mouth to silence his giggles.

"What's so funny?" He asked, a confused look on his face.

"You're so cute when you word vomit." He said, not regretting it one bit.

They both just smiled, content with being in eachothers presence.

When it got too dark, they bid their goodbyes.

His hugs were so warm and welcoming that he felt like he was hugging a teddy bear.

They both walked away, smiles on their faces and hearts fluttering.

a u t h o r s  n o t e

I love writing fluff so much. My hearts all warm and I don't think I've loved characters as much as I love them. I hope you guys love this chapter. Some deep shit is going to start happening so hold on. Please don't forget to vote and comment!


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