18. transgender

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When he got home he immediately went up to his room, trying to avoid conflict.

He just told the biggest secret of his life to the guy he thinks he likes and he wasn't shamed.

Nothing could ruin this night.

He laid on his bed, touching his lips.

He could still feel the heat that spread throughout his body when he kissed him.

He smiled, thankful that his first kiss was with him.

His door was opened and he quickly hid his smile, not wanting his mom or dad to suspect anything.

"Hijo tu sabes que no le gusta salir tarde. Would you like explain?" His mom said, hands crossed over her chest.

He already knew that his mom was upset so he tried his best to ease her worries.

"Lo siento mamá. Yo estuve fuera con mi amigo y nosotros perdido pista de tiempo." He said, worried that his mom would notice his red lips.

"Okay hijo. I trust you. Next time just call me so I know that you're safe. You know I worry about you after what happened." His mom said.

"I will mama. Buenos noches." He said trying to get his mom to leave.

"Buenos noches hijo. Your dad might come and talk to you so I would stay up for a little longer." She said.

He sighed, not wanting to have a conversation with his dad.

He sat up, taking out his phone.

He saw that he got a text from him.

His heart swelled as he opened the text.

*Hey Jules. Just wanted to make sure that you got home safely. I hope I didn't weird you out or anything. We'll talk about it on Monday.* it said.

He smiled, sending a quick message.

*You didn't weird me out. And yeah let's talk about it on Monday. Thanks again Dante.*

He looked down at his phone one more time, smiling.

His dad came barging in, grabbing his phone.

He quickly read his texts as he stood up, trying to get his phone back.

Finally his dad dropped his phone on his bed, rubbing his neck.

"Pa what was that for?" He asked.

"I don't want you talking to that boy anymore. I deleted his texts and number so you can't talk to him anymore." His dad said, a stern look on his face.

"Why dad?" He asked, already feeling nervous since he read their texts.

"I see the way he looks at you son. When he came by the hospital he looked like the love of his life just died. I know you're not gay but I don't know about him. I don't want him spreading that to you." His dad said.

He felt like pieces of his heart were being ripped from his body.

"But dad-" he tried saying but his dad interrupted him.

"No buts. I know that I can't stop you from hanging out with him at school but he is no longer allowed in this house. You will come home right after school. No hanging out or any business like that. Being gay is a sin and you don't need another reason for god to not love you." His dad said in a clipped tone.

"Papa por favor. El es el primero amigo yo tengo en un mientras." He begged.

"No! Tu voluntad escuchar a me. No hago colgar fuera con el nuevo!" His dad yelled.

"Si papá." He said with his head cowered down.

"Bueno. Ahora vas a duermes." His dad said as he stormed out of his room.

He layed down on his bed, softly crying to himself.

Who knew that when things finally went right for him they would turn around and bite him in the ass.

If only his dad understood that he was straight since he is a girl.

Did god not think he deserved to be happy?

a u t h o r s  n o t e

wow a lot happened right now. so obviously Jules and his family hispanic. I'm Mexican myself so I wanted to add a little thing to spice up the story. AND I TOLD YOU GUYS HIS NAME. *DRUMROLL PLEASE* HIS NAME IS DANTE! Dante is half cuban calf white so don't be surprised if he speaks a little spanish as well. If you don't understand Spanish I'm sorry but it takes a lot to translate what I'm trying to say. If you do want the Spanish to be translated please comment and I will translate it in the comments. This chapter is really sad but Jules will overcome it. Also I came out to two of my closest friends on friday and I'm so proud. Well that's it's for today chapter.  LGBT BUTTERFLY SQUAD UNITE IN THE COMMENTS.


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